Dancin' It's On!
Dancin' It's On!
PG | 30 October 2015 (USA)
Dancin' It's On! Trailers

Two dancers fall in love at a Florida hotel before competing in a dance competition.

Clevercell Very disappointing...
ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
Spidersecu Don't Believe the Hype
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
Movie Chilling I have to unfortunately start with with the Grand Finale due to the passing of David A. Prior, who thankfully with his long time collaborator David Winters, could provide us with one last treat to remember. For those familiar with the catalog of the film company named AIP, this one is an unusual one. It's a dance film instead of an action picture. What's cool about it, is that you get a David A. Prior script in another genre. I also note that it is the only script David A. Prior wrote that David Winters directed. The acting of the lead actors and story development has a lot of AIP films elements that one with the fondness of these films would love. For this they get a ten out of ten. I really appreciated the great moments AIP provided us, it's a perfect conclusion to the David Duo. David A. Prior thank you very much for this last treat, and David Winters bring on more.What is fun with David Winters directing is that when he is offered the task that he digs best for elements to make a film unique, to be packaged within a genre. In my opinion you can see this in his films "Alice Cooper: Welcome to my Nightmare", "The Last Horror Film", and "Thrashin'". The story take place in an hotel where everyone is an artist. Hence, aside from the dancers turned actors, he takes the time to hire other artists, a mime, acrobats, gymnasts to create atmosphere. So we have unusual situations compared to the usual "Boy meet girl" type of film. I've always appreciated that with his directing style. It is obvious that Winters made that film because he had immediate distribution, and had to do a cliché riddled story about dancing. However it shows that David Winters still does his best with what he's got, packaged it, and made a genuine effort. He also acts in the film and his performance is good.The film moves along very well and for its target audience it's totally acceptable. The dancing is great, and the music fits the film. The performances of dancers/actors Russell Ferguson, Matt Marr, and Jordan Clark stand out compared to the leads. Action actor Gary Daniels plays a part and does a good job. I bash the two leads but without them the AIP feel wouldn't stand out.My final thoughts are, it's a stellar AIP movie grand finale you can watch with your family. Dance films are not my type, but it moves along fast and never bores you. I think people who don't know the AIP history and the target audience of this film would find it at least passable and maybe better. The last film by the David duo it is truly appreciated. Good bye David Prior thanks again for the entertainment, and I hope David Winters directs another film, it's always a fun ride.
Ruthanne Khoury This movie gets a 3 only because the actors (if you can call them that) can dance really well. The dancing was fun to watch. That's it for the good stuff. The acting. Where to begin? So wooden and awful! This movie seemed like a parody that a late night comedian would put out...it was laughably bad. Including the part where Ken, the main actor, said "I just need some SPACE right now!" Wow. High School Musical and Step Up were INFINITELY better than this movie, and that is saying something. The main girl, Whitney Carson, was not so bad, but everyone else, from her dad to the "Captain," we're just weak.
KaycieLee DANCIN' IT'S ON is a delightfully engaging Film; a modern day 'Dirty Dancing' feel that takes place in a lush resort in Panama City FL. The cinematography in the film was clean, well thought out and executed. The strong points were choreography, music score, the feel good fairly-tale plot and the randomness of DANCE outbursts used to breakthrough moments of emotional turmoil. Most admirable was how Director David Winters stayed true to this BEAT throughout! Jennifer, played by Grand Prize 'Winner of Dancing With The Stars' Witney Carson was sweet & likable in her lead role. She is vivacious on the dance floor, never missing a step and is the 'ideal' vision one would have of a Wealthy Daddy's, coming-of-age, little princess. She was the perfect choice to star in this tale of star-crossed lovers. She also had a story of pain, abandonment and I did find myself wanting to know more about these aspects of her so that I could relate more intimately. Her on-screen Dad's reaction to finding out that she would ultimately be in the contest with Ken, the lowly hotel dishwasher was not shown. I found myself wondering about this which left some, I suppose, to the imagination. Jennifer's love interest, Ken is portrayed by 'So You Think You Can Dance' Grand Prize Winner, Chehon Wespi-Tschopp. Hands down he carried his first feature film with the utmost star presence! His efforts at character development were commendable and the believability of his performance was remarkably consistent. I felt I could totally connect to his emotional experiences in a realistic way & I wanted him, the underdog, "Cinderella" to find LOVE and to most of all WIN what his heart was longing for... whatever that was... His dance moves WON my little girl heart! David Winter's authentic portrayal of Hal was enjoyable. He consistently did not disappoint as the legendary, Veteran performer & artist he is. Hal's life as a PTSD-stricken recluse who is getting on in years... but also a man who never lost the dance that beats in his own heart despite the tough guy exterior was in my opinion perfectly conveyed. The best character for me without a doubt was 'The Captain' played by Russell Ferguson. He is an irreplaceable icon at the hotel entrance- way. His charisma and magic result in a very captivating performance. I found myself cheering when he FINALLY broke out in a FULL dance routine during the dance off. I wanted to get up there on stage, let go and dance my heart out. It is impossible not to lose oneself in the exuberance of this cinematic experience.
btjohnny David Winters has made a full career in showbiz from his start on Broadway and film in the best musical ever made; West Side Story. 60 plus years as a producer/director/choreographer has not stopped him from always delivering the goods. Dancin' - It's On! is his latest and best film of his career. The movie is a cinematic event that I was hoping to see on the big screen, and my local multiplex just happened to provide me with an hour and a half of pure entertainment. Dancin'-It's On is a confection, a box of candy on screen, sweet and familiar. A schmaltzy storyline that is right out of the 60's, a modern fairytale with the princess and the pauper romance with all the trimmings including a noble footman, a fairy godfather, a hard head king and a beautiful castle filled with clowns and mimes and dancers. Set in Panama City, Florida at a lush resort, let the movie be!Winters has made an energetic and wildly fun dance picture with beautiful new talent, giving himself a plum role of the saintly godfather who teaches the young and handsome leads to win the big dance off. Action Icon Gary Daniels is the unwilling hotel magnate father who won't stand for it. Clichés are all here, but the fun part of this movie is it's nostalgic charm in a fresh package.Little things make this movie fun, like a concierge spouting Shakespeare, a doorman named Captain who pops into dance with everyone he greets. A recreation of the "fun day out" sequence from "Viva Las Vegas" (Winters taught Elvis to dance in that), "the angry dance" from Footloose, and a show stopping street dance right out of a Jerome Robbins play. Witney Carson is a cherubic young princess and Chehon Wespi-Tschopp as the dishwasher with all the right moves. Dazzling editing and scenic shots really work well, but the dancing is everything in a musical and this is a great showcase for talented people. Even Winters get to bust a move! Make time to see it in a theater and have a fun time. Enjoy!