Dad Savage
Dad Savage
| 05 June 1998 (USA)
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A wealthy, successful, East-Anglian tulip grower, Dad Savage is also something of a godfather in the local criminal fraternity but doesn't trust banks to take care of his money. On recommendation from his son, Sav, Dad hires two of Sav's unemployed school friends, Bob and Vic, to help with the business and the crime. After some careless talk from Harold, just known as 'H', about Dad's pension fund, Vic and Bob decide to steal the money from Dad if they can find it. The plans to liberate the money go awry and Sav is killed requiring Bob to call upon his sister Chris to rescue them. Dad intercepts their escape and forces a showdown to try to determine exactly the events of the night in order to identify his son's killer.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
kironramdewar This film is has some great acting and a great review may contain some spoilers...but I will keep them 2 a minimum.Dad Savage tells the story of a father searching for the man who killed his son....this father is excellently played by the on par as usual Patrick Stewart.This film as other people have said does take parts off other films...and is like a British Tarintino film....with a reservoir Dogs scenario (Every1 is a suspect and in a single room) and a Pulp Fiction way of telling the story (film times and scenes not in chronological order 4 effect).Surprisingly though this film pulls it off....becoming more than a fanboy wannabee.....The story gets more and more pacey as it goes along with a climatic and great ending that is a bit surprising.....Under-rated...I am pretty sure this is a English film yet you can only buy it in the US and only on Video....a shame really!
rodental Very much in the style of contemporary films like Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Reservoir Dogs and The Usual Suspects, Dad Savage is a more realistic and significantly less humourous film.Patrick Stewart definitely carries the film as the patriarchal head of a family of criminals - not to belittle the performance of the films other actors it's just that none of them are as memorable. Although far removed from the Star Trek universe, Patrick Stewarts portrayal of Dad Savage is reminiscent of Capt. Picard: namely that of a man with a hard outside and a soft - even vulnerable - inside. Dad Savage is a cantankerous old man as easily capable of sticking a shotgun in the face of someone who betrayed him, as he is of dressing in country and western clothes and going line-dancing with the other local senior citizens.I've tried - unsuccessfully - to convince my friends to see this, I hope many more people will though...
Tommy 42 I have to say that I wasn't looking forward to watching Dad Savage, having read some fairly bad reviews of it. But I rented it out anyway. The result was one of shock. I was amazed at some of fantastic talent in front of and behind the camera and was stunned that such a film could go un-noticed for such a long time.The closest films to compare this to are certainly not US films. The nearest comparison is Trainspotting or The Acid House, both of which have raw and realistic characters and settings. Dad Savage has both of these, being set in the North of England and centering around a few normal friends who all have something to do with Dad himself. It all goes wrong when Dad reveals his secret stash of dosh hidden out in the woods and slowly everyone conspires against each other to get the money.This film, in my own opinion, is one of the greatest films to come of the UK in recent years. I think that it is sad that it has not been given any credit and the only way to get it on video is to import it from the US.The writer deserves credit for trying something simple and trying to push into the boundrys of cinema. The fact that this film is so down to Earth and raw is what makes it so realistic and gut wrenching, not to mention appealing.The director used to wonderful ways of getting the script across in a superb way, the car crash at the beginning in slow motion, for example. There are numerous other shots and scenes that I could witter on about but would bore you here!I cannot write about Dad Savage without mentioning Patrick Stewart. There are two sides to this one. Does he suck? Unable to escape the mold of Star Trek? OR is he a bloody good actor? Well, Stewart not only escapes Trek, but also brings to life a character who you grow to love as well as hate. The rest of actors are superb and deserve just as much credit, if not more for surviving in Stewarts lime-light.This film does have its bad points, being very uncomfortable to watch and being a bit confusing on first viewing. But open your mind and you will find that DS is a great film.
markb-14 Dad Savage held all the cards for a classic movie, but threw them away too quickly.The cast was strong, the script was tight, the flashbacks were clever, and the atmosphere was gritty. There were some chilling moments, and it's a movie I'd like to see a second time because it was quite complicated and intricate too.But the element of surprise was lost, because it ran out of plot twists too soon and left us watching the rest of the film unfold in a predictable way.If you enjoy raw and rough films, or if you want to see Patrick Stewart in an uglier role than the shining captain of the U.S.S. Enterprise, Dad Savage will hold entertainment value for you.But it's not quite up to par with the likes of "Shallow Grave".