Cybernator Trailers

In the future, an L.A. cop whose girlfriend is a stripper uncovers a conspiracy concerning killer cyborgs.

Diagonaldi Very well executed
Cortechba Overrated
Grimossfer Clever and entertaining enough to recommend even to members of the 1%
Paynbob It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
RTheManF89 Originally written on December 11, 2008.I had gotten this at Movie Exchange just a week before thanksgiving. I saw this along with another movie, Hyperspace. I paid only $1.70 for both films....and in terms of Cybernator, I still think I paid WAY too much for this travesty. It's horrible, boring, and completely stupid and unoriginal.Cybernator takes place in the year 2010, where the Earth has become a world where the economy has collapsed, the government has fallen, and all power has fallen under military control as military trained cyborg assassins have turned against them. It all starts off with a Crooked Senator and his hooker girlfriend entering a hotel room. They're about to start knockin' boots when the hooker is killed by cyborgs and the senator gets a similar fate. Then cut to some strip club where dumb music is playing and then it starts to focus on our main character, L.A. Police Officer Brent McCord (Whom like one reviewer said, looks like Corey Feldman crossed with John Stamos) and his partner, Jim Weaver (Our token black guy.) Unfortunately, Jim gets killed in the middle of the movie which leaves Brent to work things out himself. Brent later discovers something about his past, along with his girlfriend, who doesn't really look that pretty. The cyborgs are lead by Colonel Peck, played by William Smith from Maniac Cop, who can't even save this movie from being so awful.Overall, the movie just plain sucks. On November 20, 2008, this film gained itself a #2 spot on my worst movies list (The first of course, being Howling II, the third being Brave Frog.) If anything the C.I.A. should use this sewage leak of a film on terrorists.Avoid this "movie" at all costs.
randyf3 Somebody else said it, and I'll agree: Robert Rundle is the new Ed Wood. I seriously want to know how this movie got made. It's absolutely terrible, and I mean that in every possible way. The acting, writing, production, sets... it's all so cheap and half-assed and absolutely wonderful to watch. If you're looking for a movie to put on after the party dies down a bit and there's just a handful of people left, all wasted and continuing to get wasted, this is the one. It's probably less fun to watch by yourself than with a room full of people, but regardless, this movie is an absolute joy to watch. That is, if you like bad movies. And I do.
sublies Just plain bad. Horrible acting, ridiculous special effects and a simplistic plot built around a single twist, without any of the appealing quirks of a good bad movie. If you have 85 minutes to kill, and want to make those minutes suffer, this is the movie for you!
ff0 Hey...don't buy this film...don't watch it...try to keep away of it...IT'S AWFUL...I haven't seen any worse movie before. You can see that it's always the same room...that the special effects are bought at a supermarket and so on....There is hardly a chance to make a worse film than this one