Cut-Throats Nine
Cut-Throats Nine
R | 05 October 1973 (USA)
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A wagon load of convicts on their way to prison is being escorted through the mountains by a cavalry troop. They are attacked by a bandit gang, and only a sergeant, his beautiful young daughter and an assortment of seven sadistic, murderous prisoners survive, and they are left without horses or a wagon. The sergeant must find a way to get his prisoners to their destination while protecting his daughter, watching out for the still pursuing bandits and trying to determine which one of the prisoners was the man who raped and murdered his wife.

Colibel Terrible acting, screenplay and direction.
Derrick Gibbons An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Frances Chung Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
ejamessnyder It was marketed is the goriest western ever made. It has been categorized as a horror film. It is not, and it's all the better for it. Cut-Throats Nine is indeed gory, but that is not the primary focus of the film. It has a great story to go along with it, full of intriguing characters and great visuals.But before we get off the subject of gore, let's talk about it. The gore in this film is great and it's very well-done. It's fun and exciting and gross when it should be but not overly revolting as may be suggested by the "terror mask" required for all viewers, per early advertisements. It's hard for me to say just how realistic the violence in this movie is, as I'm not an expert in that sort of thing and don't know how much a person's real life guts might look like a tin of spaghetti, but the effects are very masterfully done, look great on the screen, and get the desired reaction and then some. But the film isn't constantly violent. The bloodshed comes and goes from scene to scene. Some scenes have it and some don't, and sometimes we follow the story for a long time without any violence. It is never forced into the story for its own sake and that's what is good about it. I almost get the impression that the idea to market this film based on its gore was an afterthought, not planned for before shooting the film, and possibly only decided on when the filmmakers realized how truly well the effects had been accomplished.Moving on to the story, it's nothing that's never been done before. We've got some convicts in the old west, some bandits and a man out to avenge his murdered wife. But at the same time, the way it's all put together, it still feels fresh enough to keep the viewer engaged. And the best part about the story is how it's told. It's very well stylized, but not overly so. I love how we get a glimpse into each character's past, seeing flashes of their memories at pivotal moments. We only linger there for a few seconds and never get the whole story, but we get just enough. Sometimes we don't even see anything that directly advanced the story, but it always tells us something about the character. But the way that it's done—along with the opening narration and a few other aspects of the film—at first make it seem a bit corny, until you realize that the director knew exactly what he was doing and everything works together for the overall effect of the film.The one primary drawback for me was the film's setting. A group of convicts navigates its way through the harsh, wintry mountains, and they spend a good deal of the film in those mountains. It looks like much of it was shot on the same acre of land, using different angles to make it seem like they were going places. This sort of thing normally wouldn't bother me, but in an adventure movie with characters moving from place to place, I would like a little bit more variety.I saw the VHS cut of this film, which clocks in at 83 minutes. Much more might have felt too long, given the stale environment, but at that length it maintains a great pace and would be easy to watch again and again and to share with friends.I wouldn't suggest everyone rush out to find this movie as soon as possible, and a good-quality copy seems impossible to find, but it's worth viewing if you get the chance. I recommend Cut-Throats Nine to anyone who is in the mood for a good, fun midnight western and doesn't want to think too much. Just don't forget your terror mask!
tcaramela Cut-Throats 9 (1972) is by far the most gory western ever made. Is it as scary and gory as they hyped it to be by issuing terror masks the answer is no. I don't know what these reviewers are griping over name another American or Eurowestern so gory and violent together? The Wild Bunch violent yes not gory. The story is good and to me well written it grasps your attention from beginning to end and unravels a subplot of why the Sgt. had these particular men selected to be escorted 400 miles to Fort. Green. I also thought it was clever how they made the chains out of gold disguising them as ordinary chains from the gold mine to Ft. Green to fool the bandits as well as the prisoners. It seems there has been quite a few mixed emotions about this later SW but lets face it the genre was fading out fast most ideas where out played and director Marchent gives us a breath of fresh air with the ingredients of mixing the cold terrain with violence and gore and fresh new story ideas made a fantastic little movie. I was very impressed with Robert Hundar's acting as well as Emma Cohen who played his daughter. The best of the bad guys was Dandy Tom (Alberto Dalbes)who was sensational. The music was good with eerie whistles and sounds. I don't know what there is to dislike about this movie but SW fans well like the ending and should understand why the Sgt's daughter did what she did. in her frame of mind to lose everything why go on living (family, lover, and dignity).
spider89119 This is a really riveting film. I found it to be somewhat hit and miss, but it's good points definitely outweigh the bad points.The best part of the movie is the story itself. The plot is quite original. Although it involves both gold and revenge, it is not your typical quest for gold or revenge tale, and things don't happen the way you think they are going to. The movie really draws you in as the motivations, interactions and relationships between nine very violent individuals unfold as they make their perilous trek across the wintery landscape.I think the splatter aspect of this movie has been over-emphasized in descriptions of the film. It is quite violent, and it has some gore, but it's not The Texas Chainsaw Massacre by any means. Don't watch it expecting a horror movie, because it's really just a western with a gory violent streak. There is a really cool scene where one of the criminals thinks he sees a ghost. It would have been even better if they had made the ghost real instead of just a figment of his imagination.There is some really good camera work and interesting use of flashback scenes that add a touch of surrealism to the movie, although a couple of the flashback scenes involve the gambler murdering a woman from his past and have absolutely nothing to do with the story. Those particular scenes should have been left out because they only serve to confuse.The biggest disappointment here is the music score. I know this is a Spanish western, but I would have liked it to have a more spaghetti sounding score. Instead it sounds like a very good Hollywood style score, which puts it several notches below the average spaghetti western score in my book.This is still a great movie overall. It doesn't have as many stylistic touches as a lot of other Eurowesterns, but this incredible story will keep you glued to the edge of your seat.
Coventry "Cut-Throats 9" is frequently named as the most violent euro-western ever made but, even though this is a righteous and well-deserved reputation, it shouldn't be the only reason why genre lovers have to see it! This film primarily tells an engaging story, which describes itself best as a variation on the 'survival of the strongest'-theme blend with Agatha Christie's "Ten Little Indians", and makes excellent use of its depressing filming locations. The film opens quite atmospherically, with the introduction of seven tough and feared convicts that are being escorted from one prison to another. After a clumsy hold-up, they have to continue their journey on foot; chained to each other and guided by only one remaining prison guard and his gorgeous daughter. Ingenious plot-twists follow pretty soon and, even though it's no real spoiler, I prefer not to mention them here already, because they're well worth checking out yourself! Don't immediately assume that "Cut-Throats 9" is a non-stop series of bloodshed and gratuitous violence, though. The murders are indeed shown very graphically and the nature of this violence is truly mean-spirited, yet director Joaquín Luis Romero Marchent (nice name, by the way) never at one point loses his focus on the compelling storyline. This is one of those very rare flicks in which really none of the characters can count on your sympathy, since even the supposed 'good guys' are greedy and egocentric bastards. Admittedly, there are a couple of tedious moments to struggle yourself through and the acting often comes across as rather amateurish. The music, however, is great and the abrupt, nihilistic ending excellently fits the overall disturbing tone of the movie. There's few to no sleaze, but the extreme and downright sick violence widely makes up for this. Definitely recommended, IF your stomach can take it