Creature Lake
Creature Lake
R | 05 December 2015 (USA)
Creature Lake Trailers

Five friends travel onto sacred tribal land while searching for a good place to party. Their lack of respect for the land and locals awakens an ancient, violent guardian who won't let them leave unpunished.

Memorergi good film but with many flaws
Kailansorac Clever, believable, and super fun to watch. It totally has replay value.
Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
Lela The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
Michael Ledo Jason wins a hand written deed in a poker game and goes with five guys to the lake cabin property located on sacred Native American ground. They are warned about a lake creature, the Gitaskog (original title) which only makes them more eager. They brought along plenty of beer and cameras...this is a found footage film.On the plus side, the guys who made the film didn't star in it. There was less jerky footage than usual without the excessive night cam and ground cam...although there is some. We do get to see the creature, for what it was worth and the girl on the cover minus the bikini...worth a little more than the rubber blob with tentacles creature.My biggest criticism was the overly lame filler material of drinking, passing gas, urination, talking about some guy named Johnson and trying not to talk about each other's wife. They did manage to spoof other found footage films during this time which was better than the immature language.Guide: F-word. No sex. Nudity
craigfisher-00980 This is number 8 bazillion in the list of low budget, lazy found footage films. Like many low budget films the box art is a lie. The monster you see doesn't exist. There are actually 2 monsters. The one you see for most of the film is a nude woman who does...something. There is also a tentacled monster you see for maybe 30 seconds - which is good because the CGI is awful. There are really no good death sequences or scares. This film is notable for having horribly unlikable characters. I mean these dudes are a notch below your standard slasher movie fare where they are not just stupid but also grossly offensive.
DDay the Cannibal So I found this movie on Hulu during my search for a perfect Lovecraftian movie. The acting is bad, the special effects are bad, the story progression is bad, and most of the characters aren't very likable. But it is at least semi entertaining and has some Lovecraftian elements. D-Day's Lovecraft Score: 2 out of 5. Reason: While the monster looked a great deal like an elder god or outer god and it even had a cult following, its offspring was killed which defeats the purpose of "Cosmic Horror". And we never understand what the creature is. Is it an alien like Cthulhu that's older than our species existence? Or maybe an ancient dinosaur like Loch Ness? Also had the main character not been killed but rather gone insane or maybe even killed himself I'd have made it a 3 out of 5. Instead though the main character is just killed off by humans.
Leofwine_draca CREATURE LAKE is a VERY low budget found footage horror film from Canada. The main surprise about it is that it's actually quite good for what it is, the type of film that gradually involves you and gets better and better as it progresses. The main problem with the film is that the five cast members are all unlikeable twentysomething blokes who spend the whole of the running time swearing and screwing around, which doesn't really endear them to the viewer.Otherwise this is solid stuff with a workable plot. The guys stay in a holiday home on a lakeside and become aware of something spooky in the woods. Not much happens for a great deal of the running time, but the climax suddenly builds to a very raw kind of horror that reminded me of KILL LIST. There's some gratuitous nudity and a creature straight out of one of Lovecraft's nightmares, as well as cult members and bloodshed. If the earlier part of the film had this kind of content it might even have been decent; as it stands, it's a mixture of typically bad and unusually good.