Crazy for Christmas
Crazy for Christmas
| 25 December 2005 (USA)
Crazy for Christmas Trailers

A girl loses her parents and husband and is left driving a limo trying to get by raising her young son. An interesting but strange rich man hires her limo on Christmas eve and has her drive him to various ice rinks where he gives out $100 bills to the people there. The news media catches on and starts following him.

Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
Linbeymusol Wonderful character development!
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
wes-connors Albeit late for the holiday, attractive blonde single mom Andrea Roth (as Shannon McManus-Johnson) buys a tree to decorate with young son Jason Spevack (as Trevor). The little tyke is miffed when his mom's boss from the "Dasher Limousine Service" calls with a job for Ms. Roth. On Christmas Eve, she must drive eccentric older Howard Hesseman (as Fred Nickells) around town. A man of means, Mr. Hesseman hands out hundred dollar bills to various people. He knows how to say "Merry Christmas" in 24 different languages. Hesseman spends over $500 on a hot dog. Eventually, he reveals a startling secret. Handsome television reporter Yannick Bisson (as Peter Archer) covers the story. He wears sharp eye make-up - and he's single. Caught up in the spirit of the season, there could be a big family in here somewhere. All this proves a TV Movie can be cute, predictable and annoying while celebrating personal wealth.**** Crazy for Christmas (12/7/05) Eleanor Lindo ~ Andrea Roth, Howard Hesseman, Yannick Bisson, Jason Spevack
statuskuo I'm a sucker for sentiment. And this is a throwback to those sensibilities that are devoid of today's cynicism. This is post-9/11 and astonish that they would even make this type of movie. For that...they deserve high praise for sure.Andrea Roth plays a single mother working as a limo driver who is struggling to make due with a young child after the father had run off with another woman. She keeps upbeat, despite the financial struggle she faces. Especially trying her hardest not to disappoint her son on Xmas. I buy it. The kid isn't one of those types who say "it's okay Mom, I know we have no money". NO. The child is honest. Painfully disappointed about the have-not. And to me, that is honest. That should ground you to the rest of the movie, is about doing good deeds. Howard Hessmann is that guy. An eccentric gazillionaire that, with a snap of his fingers, could put you in the lap of luxury. But that isn't enough. He has secrets. And it includes Andrea's character. What could be a stupid syrupy tale, turns to some poignant moments of family interaction during the warmest of holidays. We're not suckers. We believe the people would react the way they do.What I notice a lot about Xmas movies is that they want it to be a classic. Totally. These sentiments should be year in and year out. But it works best, because it is Xmas. In "It's A Wonderful Life" you think George Bailey really lives happily ever after? Maybe. But he's still got an uphill battle in a dying town. For Andrea and her child, she is thrusted into a new world that she isn't accustomed to. Who cares? We know she's a good person...if only for a moment.
LtlHippo We thought it was a quick way to pass the time. Howard was fun at first but then got old. The little boy, bad actor, what a whiny little thing. How was the mom struggling? Her apt. sure looked nice to me. Not sure what the point of the attorney was. No chemistry between the lead and the TV guy. Why have the nasty little elf? lol OK, I hope my next holiday movie is better than this one. This movie just didn't mesh.I think I'd rather watch Christmas Vacation for the 1000th time. I'll have to go check out some of the Hallmark movies that are coming out. I should have gotten a clue when they were looking for a Christmas tree in the beginning of the movie, the boy wasn't happy with the one she got, he kept repeating over and over and over "HOW COME?" At that point, I'd have taken him to the car and gone home.
ctsquared The reason this "Type A" male watched a movie on 'gasp' Lifetime was because of the two leads. I loved WKRP and it was nice to see Howard Hesseman again. I also love "Rescue Me" and wanted to see how Andrea Roth did in a very different role.The story itself was no classic, and you could see the ending coming a mile away, but the characters were all nice people and the movie zipped along at a pleasant clip. How nice to have a movie where there is no villains or terrible crisis. Howard Hesseman played his character like a lovable kook... picture Dr. Johnny Fever as a millionaire with no hangover. It was interesting to see Andrea Roth as a loving mother figure and not the oversexed shrew that she is on "Rescue Me" (She is very good in both roles). She handled the role of a struggling single mom dealing skeptically with sudden good fortune very well. Yannick Bisson played his role as the reporter just right. While hoping to make it to the "big time", he comes to realize that everything he needs is where he is at.The theme of forgiveness in the holiday season was nice but not too heavy handed. I liked the "34th Street" reference in the last shot (a miracle... get it!? :) ) I taped the movie so my wife and son can enjoy it. While I can't say that it's a Christmas movie that I will watch again and again I will say it was a nice way to spend a couple of hours.