Cowboys & Indians
Cowboys & Indians
PG-13 | 01 January 2011 (USA)
Cowboys & Indians Trailers

With the fate of the frontier hanging in the balance, a former cavalry officer is called back into action to rescue a beautiful maiden from the clutches a band of renegade Black Claw Indians led by a frightening medicine man.

FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Merolliv I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.
Donald Seymour This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Livia Van Etten "I must taste her blood."- Native American Women, They're not vampires?! I found this movie incredible racist. The movie portrayed the Native Americans as savage monsters who wen't around killing and scalping settlers. Depending on the tribe Native Americans mainly tried to avoid the white settlers who would come on their land to hunt, mine for gold and end up offending the natives. The only reason Natives fought the settlers were to over come the new US government who cheated them out of promised food, land and treatment. To speak of the settlers being innocent and in fact friendly to the natives was an all over lie. They should have done their research before making a movie like this, damn shame. Along with that but the effects were horrible, the lighting was terrible the acting was horrendous, andthe sound wasn't done correctly. It really should just go back on the shelf named "Home-Made Movie"!
D P This is the worst, I have seen better by a high school student. Too bad, good actors must start somewhere I guess. Who would write such crappy lines, using toys arrows, wow that was cheap. The trailer is deceiving, or misleading, it made you think it can be a decent movie. I think this movie should be shown to all future film students as an example of what not to do. This should be a fist year student, film critique project, make a list of what was good about the movie and the list would be extremely short. The woman Indian was so bad , I don't even want to give her attention even for being bad. That's how bad she is. I hope most of these people have a regular paying job, because this should not be a career for them . I would not make my worst enemy watch this.
BradPaulson Really fun movie! You can tell the filmmakers had a great time making it. Alvin Cowan has a great screen presence and makes for a likable, back to the days of cliffhanger serials hero. Supporting character actor Steve Guilmette makes for one of the funniest drunken sidekicks I've seen in a while. The supporting cast as well (especially the characters that are introduced in the saloon) are fantastic. It's fun to see a throwback movie like this done in this day and age. It's a great escape and a movie for all ages.The Burk Brothers have done a fantastic job with this very entertaining western. I'm looking forward to their upcoming work and keeping my fingers crossed for a sequel!
donnywarver Awesome Western! Just like the kind I used to watch as a kid!Great action and a great storyline. I loved all of the fist fights, gun fights, and the tomahawk fight was the best! It was a lot more than I was hoping for. The box said, the Great Western Returns, and they weren't kidding. Why can't more Hollywood movies be like this? There was some really good acting and some great characters thrown in there. You just loved to hate the town villain! Great chemistry between Bugle and his sidekick. Every great Western hero has to have a hilarious side kick. I watched it with my whole family and not one curse word! Wow. You don't see that anymore these days.