Cowboy Bebop: The Movie
Cowboy Bebop: The Movie
R | 11 August 2002 (USA)
Cowboy Bebop: The Movie Trailers

The year is 2071. Following a terrorist bombing, a deadly virus is released on the populace of Mars and the government has issued the largest bounty in history, for the capture of whoever is behind it. The bounty hunter crew of the spaceship Bebop; Spike, Faye, Jet and Ed, take the case with hopes of cashing in the bounty. However, the mystery surrounding the man responsible, Vincent, goes deeper than they ever imagined, and they aren't the only ones hunting him.

SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Marketic It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
rolfesam Cowboy Bebop is without a doubt one of the greatest television shows of its time. It was smart and thought provoking and was more than willing to dive headlong into some pretty heavy philosophic themes in its episodes (especially in the later episodes of the series). But despite its brilliance, or perhaps because of it, the show never lost focus on the importance of emotion to the characters of the show and through them it helped to shed a light on the motivation behind their actions and helped allow the audience to connect with these characters which has helped them to remain iconic and loved nearly 20 years later. The best thing that I can say about this movie is that it continues these feats from its run on television to the big screen. The characters are the main focus of this film which ends up being both the movie's greatest strength and its ultimate failure. The people that watch this movie are more than likely to be fans of the original series and have thus have already become very attached to each of the four main crew members of the bebop and their own mentality over the course of the show's 26 episode run. The point to that is that the focus on the characters of this movie is simply the cherry on top of the already great franchise. We didn't really need it unless it helped further flesh out these 4 and provide new context to their decisions in the final episodes of the series. These complaints obviously don't apply to any of the new characters who I found very enjoyable except for the fact that I knew none of them would have any impact on the rest of the series. I wish that they had as it would have added to the importance of this movie on the franchise as a whole instead of the one-off adventure that this turns out being. Overall I don't think that this is a bad film at all. In fact I really enjoy this movie and think it would be great as a stand alone film, however as part of a series I just do not feel it to be a necessary addition to Bebop's legacy. That's not a knock on the movie really at all though because the music, animation, shot composition, and story are all really rather amazing. I just think that the movie would have benefited from being either more important to the main series or completely separated from it instead of being a tacked on extra long bonus filler episode that it ends up being.
Patrick Bateman I am not a huge fan of anime, but if it is entertaining, I'll watch it. I love the show just as much but I think it's the movie that is very underrated. The film is set on Mars where a lethal toxin is released and a group of bounty-hunters want to find out who and what is behind this terrorist attack. These characters are so well utilized, they are witty, funny and likable. The plot is also very well handled by setting up the villain Vincet as a shadow figure. We are interested in who this guy is, the villain is calm and well calculated but at the same time, he is very insane. Overall definitely check out Cowboy Bebop the movie if you are a fan of sci- fi. You don't need to watch the show to like the movie.
I B The film followup to what is one of the most respected anime series ever does not disappoint. The animation was given a boost. Since the story takes place on Mars (a few days before Halloween) this time expect to see plenty of eye candy. Mars, in Cowboy Bebop, is very much a multicultural place that reminds one of New York City and Tokyo. There is a strong presence of Arabesque atmosphere along with psychedelia. The story itself is a straightforward one, very similar to any one of the episodes of the series. This time, however, the Bebop crew face a much deadlier opponent. In some ways the story isn't original. We also don't really learn anything new about the main characters. The focus in the film is on the villain and his motives. Yoko Kanno put together another impressive soundtrack for the film. It features some memorable tunes that seem perfect for what's taking place on screen. Overall, the film is entertaining and action-packed. There's nothing particularly new or great here, but it's a solid addition to the TV series. If you haven't seen the series before then the film is a good introduction to the world of Cowboy Bebop. I heard that the story here takes place between episodes 22 and 23 of the series. I definitely recommend seeing it.
lewiskendell "Well, that's a real shame. But, we're not cops and we're not from some charity organization. Sorry lady, we don't protect or serve. This is strictly business."One word came to my mind after watching this. Unnecessary.I have been putting off watching the Cowboy Bebop movie for several years now. I'm a huge fan of the show, but I had heard and read so many mixed or negative reviews of the movie online and from friends, that I was hesitant to see it. In the end, though, I figured that any Cowboy Bebop had to be somewhat worthwhile. That turned out to be partially true, but I still find myself disappointed.To be blunt, the story was completely uninteresting. Each episode of the series was like a (good) mini-movie on its own, so I don't get why giving the creators more time to develop and tell this story, ended up producing something that wasn't nearly as engaging as any given one of the original episodes. It felt like the decision to make the movie came first, and very little effort was put into making a worthy plot to go along with it.The new characters are uniformly dull, much of the soundtrack was poor (How did THAT happen? Where's the jazz?), and the film as a whole felt disjointed, at best. I tried as hard as o could to like it all, but the most positive description I can give for my experience is "meh".I'll admit that it warmed my fanboy heart to see Spike, Faye, and the gang in action again. The animation was very good, and some of the action scenes were top notch. But without the great storytelling that we've all come to expect, I'd recommend this to only the most fervent Cowboy Bebop fan. You'd have much more fun in the same amount of time by just watching four of your favorite episodes of the show.
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