R | 05 July 1982 (USA)
Countryman Trailers

A young woman crash-lands her plane in Jamaica. A local named Countryman rescues her and leads her away from the authorities, who have fabricated a story about the plane, involving drug and arms smuggling by the CIA, in order to gain popularity in an upcoming election.

Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
llp23 A plane crashes deep in the heart of a Caribbean island. A local fisherman, Countryman, rescues the man and woman, but soon finds they are being hunted by the army. This film could have been the template for the second half of Crocodile Dundee 2 - a journey through a wild land, a hero who respects the land and its mystical aspects, and villains who come a cropper in their disrespect for nature. The film has a certain charm, walking a fine line between the innocence of the hero, and the worldly events that impinge on his way of life. The soundtrack is amazing, some early versions of classic Bob Marley (Small Axe) and Toots & the Maytals (Bam Bam) - and many other great reggae tunes.Overall, an enjoyable, eco-friendly film with killer music.
smiler56 A plane crashes in the wilds of Jamaica and the crew of two are rescued by 'Countryman'. If we all had this guys attitude to life, the world would be a much nicer place. The bad guys are bad, and the good guys are good. Great reggae music and some wonderful views of the island. Lots of locals involved in the film, and I can see why subtitles were added to the DVD version. The local patois can be difficult to understand. If you like reggae music please try to see this movie. Low budget, average plot but if you're in the right mood, it rides like a Harley on an empty road at midnight. My thanks to all involved, it's one of the few films that I can watch over and over again.
Sam Bozman unique, fun adventure set in Jamaica (or some place very like Jamaica). the title character rescues two plane crash survivors from the swamp, and then hides them from the police, one of whom seeks help from the dreaded Obeahman.the best thing about this movie to me is the locations and local people; this takes place out in the country, not in some sterile resort like most Hollywood-goes-to-the-islands type movies. and the Reggae music is awesome (I highly recommend the soundtrack).See Countryman neutralize an alligator with a red sweater! see Countryman fight off some rude boys with a shovel! see Countryman run across half the island! see Countryman bribe a jail guard ('here money'!) see Countryman face down the dreaded Mosman!see...Countryman!good luck finding this obscure film (our local Blockbuster had it but now its gone). watch it with the more recent Might Quinn. warning; very little blood or violence or bad language (some of the patois is hard to understand) but a topless scene puts this in the R category.
Scot-6 GREAT music, satisfying plot; a couple violent scenes make it iffy around kids.