Country Remedy
Country Remedy
PG | 02 February 2007 (USA)
Country Remedy Trailers

In order to secure the position of Head of Pediatrics at a top Chicago hospital, a young, highly accomplished, pediatrician agrees to spend a summer setting up a clinic in a small town in the North Carolina mountains. Clashing against the ways of the small community he is forced to deal with the recent loss of his wife while reconnecting with his 9 year old son, and learning a different pace of life.

Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
Bumpy Chip It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
awknovril this movie helped when I needed something calm simple and nice to watch! I loved everything about it, the place the characters.. I wish it lasted longer! It's about appreciating the simple things! and opening to something new.. and appreciating people, helping them and winning their trust! I don't know why people said it's disappointing, but it's one of the best stories to me! ♥I recommend people to watch it too!
Havan_IronOak This film felt like Everwood meets the Hallmark Channel on a budget. While the storyline is fine, none of the characters were developed beneath a superficial level and felt very phony towards the end. What doctor when faced with an un-breathing son would stop to cry instead of beginning CPR? I wanted to like the characters in this but it felt like movie needed to be more thought through before it could be engaging. For the most part the photography was beautiful and the sentiment was admirable if somewhat unbelievable.It felt unformed when we first see the son left on his own, with no though having been put into how he would spend his day. Some of the hillbilly types were a bit too stereotypical and I didn't really find it credible that they were afraid of big city doctors.I think that the sentiment was legit and the potential was there but everything felt like it needed more development and maybe a good solid rewrite.
odetospot A rare and beautiful film about country life shot with simplicity and warmth, without contrivance or sentimentalism. Unlike many shows and films with the theme of big city meets small town, this film did not attempt to idealize small town or country living, instead showing how the magic, healing and community found in any place is due to an inner transformation and change in perspective. The magic of ordinary life in the country and the process of healing from grief and recovery from loss is captured so well here due to the quiet brilliance of the principal actor, Cameron Bancroft. Exquisite and subtle acting performance from Bancroft as Dr. Evan Gibbs and the actor who played his son, Nate, Aiden Mitchell. All of the cast was authentic, and the movie was deeply emotionally engaging, even wrenching because of this. I grew up in a small town and in the Country and I appreciated the humor, candor and realism and subtle moments of nature and grace, unadorned yet deeply poetic and meaningful, throughout. It also left much "scope for the imagination" as Anne of Green Gables would say.
wilsonrd To the critic that was bothered by the way the mountain people were depicted in the movie "Simple Things". I am also from the area in which the movie was filmed. I guess that you need reminding that the people there are smart enough to know that this is a fictional movie and to not take things so seriously. Mountain people, for the most part, are just proud enough to not worry what the rest of the world thinks of them, because they know whom and of what character they are. I know many people there that are truly excited about movies being shot in their back yard. My family is proud of it and would like for others around the U.S. to see our countryside. For the plot not being so believable, that's the sole reason we make movies. Not too often is reality exciting. I cant wait to see the movie.