Countdown: The Sky's on Fire
Countdown: The Sky's on Fire
PG | 15 July 1999 (USA)
Countdown: The Sky's on Fire Trailers

The ozone is depleted and as a result of this all sorts things are happening like lethal insects flying around. A scientist tries to warn everybody about this but no one seems to believe him. When his predictions come true they now turn to him for help.

Ensofter Overrated and overhyped
Console best movie i've ever seen.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
PolkainWarsaw Using my best Comic Book Man voice I say, one of the worst........ movies.......... EVER. There is more cheese in this film than in the entire state of Wisconsin.I take that back. Wisconsin is too nice a place to associate with this loser. Sorry Wisconsin. As of this writing, I'm STILL waiting for something to happen in this movie.It is not a total loss though, if viewed in the proper setting. Have your own MST3K night! Pop some corn, chill a bottle or two, and maybe do the twist,,,nudge,nudge ;o) . You'll soon be "riffing" as if you're trapped on a space station ! Peace out from sunny Tennessee.
bunnyjeanne4 I have got to read his book. This movie leaves me with a lot of questions about what we are doing to ourselves. We are responsible for what we do and need to know much more about how we are depleting natural resources. It is imperative we clean up the world for future generations.I have a little more understanding of what the ozone does for us thanks to this movie. We take to much for granted today. Dumping trash in our water, adding chemicals to water and food. How many of the illnesses that humans suffer are direct results of adding chemicals to milk, dehydrated foods etc; so that they are edible past the date of natural consumption. Are we creating new illnesses, new problems by our actions. "For every action, there is a reaction". We need to remind ourselves with movies like this that we reap our own consequences.
jurgen200 I'm one of those people who really enjoy schlocky B-movies (I thought Category 6 was a good film) but this is an insult.For a start, the movie grinds to a halt in the middle and features 10 minutes of nonstop riot footage.An infinite number of interesting subplots and ideas are thrown out, and it really feels like the production ran out of money at the end! Watch it, as soon as the jet takes off, the money runs out.The plot is absurd, and not good-absurd either. It's BAD-absurd!! The characters make bad decisions just to build some suspense, for example: if your house is overrun by bugs, lock yourself in the closet and wait in there for the bugs to come in and bite you. The same shot of the sun is repeated at least 15 times, and "deadly atmospheric firestorms" are little more than (over)actors writhing in bright light.
Thomas Nielsen And perhaps it should be left for the scientists to fiddle with. This movie clearly shows that the disaster genre is even more volatile than our ozone layer. If it had been a comedy the sheer unbelievability of this plot would be acceptable, but posing as serious it definitely isn't. So poorly made it is almost tragic."Hey! I have ten minutes to spare. Let's go patch up the environment!"