Countdown: Armageddon
Countdown: Armageddon
| 24 February 2009 (USA)
Countdown: Armageddon Trailers

A journalist searches for her daughter as a series of catastrophic disasters push a destabilized society toward the brink of global war.

Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
SpunkySelfTwitter It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.
Aiden Melton The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
marbleann This is not a Pro Israel movie. Nor is it a action thriller. This movie is a right wing crazy Christian movie. And I want to quantify this by saying I am not talking about your everyday Christian. I am talking about the ones who believes the world is going to end 2 years ago or 4 years ago or 10 years from now.. See they believe Armageddon is going to happen in the area which is now Israel. That is why they seem so sympathetic to Israel, but not really. You see that come out in the movie. Is the movie about the condemnation of violence in Israel? Or are they just worried about those temples? Even in the beginning of the movie while the main character is making a report we are focused on this Temple which is crumbling. Surly a metaphor. You hardly knew it was a earthquake if they did not tell you. So they are focusing on the Temples, where Jewish people worship. She goes to Israel and the same thing. The US is kind of mealy mouthed about defending Israel which is odd. So this is the premise of the movie in a sneaky way. Because the Crazy Christians believe that the end of the world is going to happen in that area they want to make sure all of the Jewish people are gone and the ones that are left have accepted Christ. It is all through the movie. Even on the airplane. The ex sends some guy named Joseph that looks like St Joseph to watch over his ex wife. We are in Israel and we see no Hebrews worshiping we just see Christians Jewish people. I just thought the whole movie was a mess. The child was never kidnapped she was raptured. That is why she disappeared in clear air. And she ends up in Israel looking for her. Then they try to make it look like it might be about some type of spy movie because of the husbands job. I looked at the movie thinking it was one of those so bad they are good movies syfy puts out all of the time. Instead I get a bible lesson from some Crazy Christians.
MisterWhiplash I rented Countdown: Jerusalem as a fun-bad movie. Maybe I would get some totally ridiculous machines or things that kill or some wretched dialog and performances to mock, like the Day the Earth Stopped (also released by Asylum video). But no, this shouldn't be confused with a 'pedigree' piece of s*** like a C. Thomas Howell movie. No, as I should've known better, this is from Faith Films, and the feature debut of A.F. Silver (nay another film on his IMDb resume - dare I ask what the follow-up is?), and it has nothing of value for bad-movie fans. Nothing. There's barely a laugh to be had, except maybe for the dialog exchange from Kim Little's Alison: "The phone lines are down. Mark called." All you need to know (or all I really knew watching) is this: woman's daughter is taken by husband to Jerusalem, and she spends the movie looking for her. That's it. Oh, and there's a bunch of fuzzy scenes of "Peace in the Middle East" being broken down by earthquakes and, um, no peace in the Middle East. It's not even a movie that has enough guts to really go down its kooky plan. It's another lump of cinematic mediocrity where you almost can't hate it (almost the key word) since it's a transparent production. The acting is of the worst popular tripe, its methods are sloppy and its conclusions highly questionable (like, um, the world ends and the daughter is found? this isn't a spoiler per-say, I'm still trying to figure out what happens). When a movie is so bad it becomes mock-proof, you might as well torch it and leave the metal scraps for the garbage disposal. Oh, and did I mention Alison's looking for her daughter? YOU NEVER HEAR THE END OF IT!!
nick-2355 If you are a Christian, and a follower of great Christian movies such as the Left Behind Series, Fireproof, or many many other greats, you will be very disappointed, to say the least. This awful movie features a nonsensical weak plot, wishy washy and biblically watery and very weak, filled with time-wasters like unexplained journeys through the desert with pretty sunsets, and stereotyped Jewish people with camels and Arab names. All the while the plot goes absolutely nowhere. It is literally painful to watch. It is clearly a complete sham "Pulp Christian" movie purely designed to attempt to make easy money of the "Christian movie market". There are so many things wrong with this movie that it defies description. No continuity from any true faith based Christian perspective, moronic, flowery (and incorrect) King James style English recited in prayers that is quite laughable and truly ridiculous. It is as if the very worst writers from the Hollywood B grade "garbage-movie" set tried to sit down and with absolutely minimal knowledge of Christianity, biblical fact or even history, write a movie that would somehow sell to Christians. The writers and producers should be truly ashamed of this piece of worthless garbage. If you look you will see it is made by a new company called "FAITH FILMS" which is an offshoot of "THE ASYLUM" film company which incidentally makes the lowest form of brainless B grade "sex and drugs" films for teenage markets, like "SEX-POT" about kids smoking special aphrodisiac weed that somehow makes them all rip off their clothes and have sex. This all is brought to you by Hollywood scumbags trying to make money from persons of faith, while peddling mind rotting perverted garbage to your children. In other words, a total sham. Don't waste your time or money on this.
twa1959 If you're expecting to see a film similar to the Left Behind series, you may be relieved when I tell you it isn't. After watching, you more than likely will be disappointed, confused or just plain "what the heck did I just witness" bewildered. I figured this would be another clichéd and cheesy take on the Book of Revelation. I waited for the human cardboard cutouts representing good and evil, the haunting Gregorian chants building into grand crescendos as various plagues assaulted the earth, and the obligatory voice-overs telling me in stern and reverent tones how every scene was depicting a fulfillment of Biblical prophecy. None of those things ever showed up in this movie. Left Behind this is not.Our brave reporter is not interested in digging beneath the headlines of earthquakes, famine, social upheaval and economic collapse to find the diabolical conspiracy responsible for it all. Nor is she embarking on a quest to discover the elusive answers to her hectic and unfulfilled life. She just wants to find her missing daughter. And her frantic search takes her to Jerusalem, now the focal point for the unwinding of the age. The End Times are certainly in evidence throughout the film, but as a backdrop only. If the plot seems confusing, even non-existent, it's because the plot is not about the coming Armageddon. It is not about following the clues, exposing the imposters or circumventing the events that surely must and will unfold. It's about realizing that the signs signal the end for some but not all. The signs also tell us there is still time to do the only thing we can do to be spared the judgment that fallen humanity deserves.A great film this is not, but neither is it a particular bad one. It is a film that handles its subject matter in a quirky and non-conventional way. It comes at you from an angle rather than slamming into you head on. The acting is average but does not detract significantly from the film. The dialogue is sparse, but at least I was spared the agony of having the characters repeatedly explain the whole darn story to me through lengthy and unrealistically structured dialogue. The cinematography was pleasing. The locations were usually well shot and added to the overall frenetic feeling of the film. The musical score was good but occasionally overwhelmed some of the scenes. Only one major complaint: I am not all that familiar with the geography of Israel, but what was up with her getting out of the car in the middle of nowhere (a desert) and walking all the way back to her hotel?All in all, not a bad way to spend 90 minutes. This is not a particularly good Christian "witnessing" film, too much is left unexplained, and there is no obvious central message. But Christians should find this film intriguing, even a little thought provoking.