R | 23 August 1989 (USA)
Cookie Trailers

Cookie Voltecki is the illegitimate daughter of mobster Dino Capisco, who has just finished thirteen years in prison. Since being released from jail, all that Dino wants is to settle some old scores, and make up for lost time with his daughter.

VividSimon Simply Perfect
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Taraparain Tells a fascinating and unsettling true story, and does so well, without pretending to have all the answers.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
boomchicaboomboom I watched this movie as a kid (when I was about 10 or 11 yrs old) and it was always my favorite movie because of Emily Lloyd's Madonnaesque style and her bad girl attitude in this film . At the time, I had no idea who Peter Falk or Emily Lloyd were, but have since learned they are both great actors. I saw "Wish You Were Here" with Emily LLoyd years later after seeing "Cookie". I had a huge crush on Adrian Pasdar after this movie also( didn't know who he was, or how great of an actor he was until years later either). The Kylie Minogue song "Lucky in Love" that plays at the end of the movie, has stuck in my head for years and I still love it to this day. FYI Trivia -I just read on Wikipedia that supposedly Emily LLoyd and Peter Falk did not get along while filming this movie and he reportedly slapped her because he got frustrated with her. I also had no idea Emily LLoyd was English. Every movie I ever saw her in, she always seemed to pull off a really good American accent.
elshikh4 There isn't a great deal to say, maybe the big fat warning about it as a movie has absolutely no relation to comedy. So don't you ever make the same mistake that I did and let the names of (Peter Falk), (Jerry Lewis) or even (Nora Ephron) fool you and lead you to a wrong picture ! It's very average, and too bad as long as we speak about (Adrian Pasdar) with his everlasting coldness moreover memorably strange eyebrows this time. Plus (Emily Lloyd) whom actually looked like she's copying (Madonna) with the same outfits, the same awful acting however without a millimeter of her sexuality ! Not to mention how (Jerry Lewis) seemed totally wasted, I felt bad that there were some potentials in here and some places to make good comic ironies but the whole thing was just the smart hoax and the beginning of a peaceful natural relationship between one father and his daughter, yet even this as a drama wasn't that good at all so the love story between Cookie and Mr. eyebrows from hell ! I want to know why they didn't call it : (The Return of Cookie's Father), (Cookie & Father), or (Cookie & Father Meet A Freak Named Vito) ! Actually she wasn't that main character because of some reasons on the top of them is such a script which interested in a lot of things except Cookie herself ! The charming (Peter Falk) did a great job; that made the movie sort of watchable. So as a low budget crime movie from the good old 1980s with the lesser amount of blood and cursing you may deem it fine, as long as you forget all about some things like Cookie...The personality and the actress. So watch it and "forget about it" !.. And I do mean it literally !Inflated P.S : They wrote on the poster (so boldly I suppose !) : "A Delicious New Comedy" !!? Sure at the time it was new. But what about Comedy and DELICIOUS ??!!
HALNIT-2 The story was just O.K. as an action comedy. Peter Falk did O.K. job as a boss of Mafia but not as good as his famous role, Columbo.What I want to emphasize here is that I found Emily Lloyd, who played the hidden daughter of the boss, is an incredible actress. She is genius! I instantly became a big fan of hers as soon as she came up to the screen. I hope she appears on lots more movies.
Joyce Hauchart Lazy rainy evening, not ready to watch a big masterpiece, rent Cookie. Great actors who are not doing a good job, bad plot and screen writing, but the best part is reserved for Cookie - Emily Lloyd. She is the small diamond in this film. Of course, her character has been worked out pretty well by the writer. Anyway, it's a marvel to see her develop from "almost hooker" to "mob woman." Peter Falk disappears in every scene where she enters.