| 05 February 2017 (USA)
Convergence Trailers

Detective Ben Walls finds himself in a modern day Dante world, passing back and forth between the present and the future. Surrounded by the residents seeking redemption, Ben is left with the task to find a way out.

Cleveronix A different way of telling a story
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
Michael Ledo Detective Ben Walls (Clayne Crawford) wakes up in a nearly abandoned hospital in Atlanta following an explosion. The first clue we get something is wrong is when the nurse talks about the upcoming Yankees-Browns football game. Ben ignores this but finds himself in weird situation. He meets a guard named Peter Grayson, called Grace for short (Gary Grubbs). We quickly get the idea that this Twilight Zone has a religious theme, one that is explained to us at 58 minutes into the feature. However, if you read the plot description provided by the production for Amazon and IMDB, then you know this plot spoiler already. I was fortunate enough to watch the film cold, which made the mystery aspect a bit more entertaining, unfortunately not entertaining enough. The theme and acting was okay. The confrontations were mostly low key and the torture aspect didn't make a lot of sense. I mean you're dead already, where are you going to go, Cleveland? I liked the nurse Delilah character (Chelsea Bruland), but outside of that, you can keep the rest.This is not exactly a faith based film, but a film that requires faith to believe. Not recommended for people who have surgery scheduled at Grady Memorial Hospital.Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity. Do you really believe?
Info-241-562323 I watched this, basically as the idea (and some other reviews) intrigued me - not sure if it warranted such a low score; but I wouldn't have raised it by much (maybe a 5.0/5.5). The general idea behind it is pretty good, but would probably have made a better book than a film; and here lies the problem.Not enough is left to the psychological imagination - everything is very 'full on' to the point I wasn't sure if I was watching an action, thriller, horror or sci-fi movie. You get a bit of everything thrown at you, and sadly it gets a bit tedious and confusing after a while.The storyline could have been conveyed so much better without the 'hey ho' attitudes and rough and tumble action scenes - they just weren't needed. All these did for me was take me away from the essence of the movie until I completely lost track of what it was all about.Movie takes an interesting turn towards the end - something which I would have liked to have seen incorporated earlier, as unfortunately I had started to lose interest by this stage.Verdict: if you've absolutely nothing else to watch, give it a go. It's not a complete waste of time; but it will more than likely be easily forgotten. 5/10
cmv32261 Yet again people who have not really been guilty of being wicked, but because they did not have much faith they need to prove they are worthy of making it onto a plane of existence far better than the 1 on which us lowly humans reside.What was the average rating, 4.3, same as the IQ of those who rated it that high.Yet again people who have not really been guilty of being wicked, but because they did not have much faith they need to prove they are worthy of making it onto a plane of existence far better than the 1 on which us lowly humans reside.What was the average rating, 4.3, same as the IQ of those who rated it that high.
flowirin I'm not sure about this one. Without giving any spoilers, its odd.The beginning is interesting, then it goes really really really bad for a while. Better adjectives? Hackneyed. Dull. Gratuitously violent. Confused.About an hour in, things take a turn for the more interesting, although the overplayed grunt of violence and US style gun fetish get tiring.There's a theme of fundamentalism, but i'm not sure that there really are any fundamental christians who act like the moron in this movie. Maybe i'm wrong and the world is a far more horrid place than i believe. At any rate, if those people do exist, i don't expect they have any supernatural abilities such as exhibited here. The suspense of disbelief required is a wee bit too far. As is the torture and violence. pointless. endless.Still, there are scenes in the film that are clever, hinting at places that a less pain and violence obsessed director could take a better movie.If you like torture movies and the supernatural and old fashioned detective movies, then perhaps this might be your thing.