Comedy of Power
Comedy of Power
| 16 February 2006 (USA)
Comedy of Power Trailers

Magistrate Jeanne Charmant-Killman doggedly investigates CEO Michel Humeau, who is accused of participating in massive corporate malfeasance. As her investigation leads her into the upper echelons of government, Jeanne becomes intoxicated by the power she is amassing.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
poe426 In this Idiot Nation of ours, corruption (on a global scale) is taken for granted. The GOBs (Good Old Boys, formerly known as the Grand Old Party) have raped and pillaged this country for three decades, now- and yet, not one single filmmaker (aside from a couple of documentary movie makers) has has the guts to step up and say anything about it. (John Carpenter and George Romero have given us Reaganvilles and theocracies- in THEY LIVE and ESCAPE FROM L.A.- and war between the Haves and the Have-nots- LAND OF THE DEAD- but where are the others? If there's anyone else doing anything even remotely in tune with Our Times, they're flying well under the radar.) "Morphine doesn't help," Claude Chabrol says in one interview: "It just stops the pain." It's eight o'clock in the morning, folks- time to wake up.
kosmasp ... could've been better. At least that's what I think. This movie does start with a phenomenal pace and you get sucked into the story, but then after a little while it drags and you're wondering where the passion of the first few minutes has gone. I wondered that and you might too.Let's take a look at the actors though, because they are doing a fabulous job here. And the movie will stand of fall for you (the viewer), with your perception of Jeanne Charmant-Killman (played by Isabelle Huppert). If you don't like her, than you will hate this movie.Despite all that, this is still an engaging film, that has a few surprises up it's sleeves, so it's up to you, if this genre is something worth watching.
Paul Creeden I confess right from the beginning to being a fan of Isabelle Huppert. I am also a student of Claude Chabrol films. I say 'student', because his films are intellectual and challenging in nature. This film is a film of our times. And its themes are also timeless. The flawed protagonist, Huppert, lives shamelessly in front of the camera. She is very human, as well as idealistic. And her idealism is personal and competitive, as well as moralistic. Chabrol has captured grand corruption in a simple narrative about people alone and in conversation. Never slick, always homely and familiar. Isabelle Huppert's performance is tempered and unusually restrained. Her aptitude for endowing her characters with mannerism and eccentricity by using simple gestures and facial expressions is in full play here. This is a film that requires effort to appreciate, but it leaves you feeling quite full.
michel-crolais An examining magistrate, Jeanne Charmant Killman, has been charged to investigate a very delicate affair touching political and industrial circles. She puts in examination Humeau, the president of a very large French consortium, which works on foreign affairs. The judge pushes the president and many others personalities in order to clarify all the traffic implications of the affair. She will be bound to numerous influences and his life will be put into danger, also his family life. The film is centred both on large traffics and corruption, which exist on international business, and also on powers (sometimes too big) that exist for examining magistrate. Isabelle Huppert very well acts the movie, but it seams to me that it is not a very great Chabrol's movie.
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