Club Vampire
Club Vampire
R | 26 October 1998 (USA)
Club Vampire Trailers

Enter the club where your wildest desire and most frightening dreams come true. The price of admission is your soul.

Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Nessieldwi Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.
Catangro After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
Abbigail Bush what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
HorrorWriter7493 I was watching this with one of my friends, who is a vampire freak, and I was extremely disgusted at the fact that this film exists. This film should be shown to prisoners of war, yes, it's that bad. Even John McCain wouldn't be able to sit through this. So why the 3/10 rating? Because it had a vampire midget. Come on, what's more entertaining than a vampire midget? There's one scene in this film where John Savage gets laid by saying "I want to feel human again," and the chick, being the brainless stripper slut she is, lets him "feel human". I wish I could "feel human" with Jessica Alba or Megan Fox. This is a movie for stoners. There is bright flashy objects and random movements. All in all, don't waste your money on this garbage. I got it for free when I was walking down the street with my friend and we saw a garbage barrel full of video tapes and a sign that said "free". So, in a way, I didn't get ripped off, but still...
lthseldy1 This movie is just plain terrible. Poor John Savage had to stoop this low in order to be in another movie. He stars as a rare type of vampire that is to help a lady that looks like a washed out and thrown in the streets hooker that is a dancer at a local strip club. She acidently tastes a drop of blood from another dancer who happens to be one of those rare vampires as they get carried away making out on the floor of the dressing room. Savage is then assigned by a short leader of this rare vampire breed that looks like a cross between 80's punk rock and one of the Olsen twins with purple hair. This movie just gets all to crazy with Savage rapping and dancing with a midget with a tattooed spider on his head, also one of the rare. He quotes the Elephant Man and Jimmy Durante and I just had to laugh. This just gets rediculas. And then the most gross special effects that they could come up with is Corri throwing up her organs and pulling them out of her mouth. And you can tell that that is all to fake. Her son doesn't know what to do with his moms new identity and becomes more of a pest than an object of serenity. I enjoy a good vampire film, believe me I do but I just HATED this one. Even the photography stinks, in and out blurs with the camera switching this way and that trying to make it look like the vampires move to fast for the camera to keep up and then the camera turns all to bright in the scene of Savage chasing the son of Corri around till he blinds himself. Avoid this one!!
lonewolf74 When first read it in Fangora's Video List in 1998 I thought this is a good movie to rent and because of they built it up as a good movie. Boy I was wrong really wrong The first part was sick when the stripper mom turns into a vampire and toss her cookies on the floor. Then on the almost last part of the movie was not right the son of the stripper/vampire was going to become a vampire himself by the female leader vampire and the second female vampire who turns his mom into one. But they stopped at that part and I was p***ed I wanted to see a threesome because in some vampire movies you don't see that between a woman, a man, and a woman. So I keep on watching still mad all the way to the stuipd ending. To the people who want to see this movie please don't save your money for something else.
ziggi211 I first came upon this movie in a video store looking for a horror movie to pass the time later that night. The back sounded interesting, so I grabbed it and took it home. This has to be one of the worst movies in cheesy movie history. The acting was, for the most part, terrible, and the plot had no real meaning. The film and graphics were also extremely bad and the ending was extremely stupid. Needless to say, the movie was returned and replaced on the shelf for the next poor movie watcher that stumbles upon it. I wouldn't recommend this to anyone.