Clean Slate
Clean Slate
PG-13 | 06 May 1994 (USA)
Clean Slate Trailers

Pogue is a private eye with a problem: every morning when he wakes up, he has total amnesia, waking up with a 'blank slate'. Since he is in the middle of a hot investigation and has a developing romance, this is less than convenient.

Alicia I love this movie so much
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Mike LeMar Since it didn't affect the overall storyline, I'm rating it decently, though not as high as a 7 because of it. If the dog's blind in one eye, he would have a depth perception problem, not a problem of seeing an object off to the side of where it actually is. Other than that, I really like this one.
Edu-16 Interesting premise with many surprisingly funny moments. It's not Oscar Wild - but not low-brow either. The humour is unusually under-played at times - which makes a refreshing change. There are jokes here that you don't necessarily get the first time around - particularly liked the later explanation for the mural painters many attempts at Mona Lisa - + a nice tie in to the film title.It could have been a little 'sick' - but the medical condition is used to tasteful effect (I thought) - without milking it dry. So clearly the inspiration for Mememto that I'm surprised there wasn't more comment at the time. The 'system' for remembering things, and the abuse made of the illness by those in the know.....all directly lifted by the later Mememto - albeit in a more serious genre.Not sure how I missed this at the time - and much better than the current score of 5.5 suggests.
gridoon "Clean Slate" is an engrossing, cleverly plotted comedy, but be warned: if you're looking for belly laughs, this isn't the film for you. It's a plot-driven film that can be categorized as a comedy only because of its light tone. With the same material and a serious approach, this could have been a great Kafka-esque thriller. Carvey is remarkably easy to identify with. (**1/2)
rok-3 This is the film that really showcases Dana Carvey's talent for comedic acting. I picked it up in a closing down sale at a local video store - I loved the Wayne's World movies and it had also been recommended by a friend. I was not disappointed. This movie has plenty to keep the audience entertained, and our main character never fails to surprise us with his innovation. This film had me in stitches from start to finish. If your not that inclined to go for Dana Carvey, at least remember this review when you're lingering in the video store and can't decide what to get. You won't be disappointed.