Cindy and Donna
Cindy and Donna
NC-17 | 02 February 1970 (USA)
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Seventeen-year old Cindy is in awe of big sister, Donna’s sexual exploits, but she just doesn’t get it. Whether she’s spying on Donna, parked and “makin’ it” in the driveway with her boyfriend, or watching her bang dear ol’ stepdad, Cindy is curious but timid. But “don’t be afraid, Cindy” instructs the dreamy, ballady, canned-cheese 70s soundtrack, as Cindy inches her way toward womanhood.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
PodBill Just what I expected
MusicChat It's complicated... I really like the directing, acting and writing but, there are issues with the way it's shot that I just can't deny. As much as I love the storytelling and the fantastic performance but, there are also certain scenes that didn't need to exist.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Leofwine_draca CINDY AND DONNA is a dull and plot less sex film about the sexual awakening of a pair of sisters. It's a showcase for a pair of actresses willing to show as much topless nudity as is possible in a film, and the whole running time consists of one or the other going to bed with variously ugly middle-aged actors.There's no story, no characterisation, no narrative, other than a ludicrously dumb twist ending that'll have you laughing out loud. The film strives to court controversy by having one of the girls be underage and the other making out with her own stepfather, but instead of being sleazy, this just comes across as laughably poor. No surprise that poverty row studio Crown International Pictures were behind it...
oxblood This is the epitome of a drive-in smoker. Back in the day, when I was a teen we used to go to drive-in movies just for a place to hang out. Others went for some family entertainment where they could save money by charging by the carload rather than by the individuals. You usually got to see three movies. Depending on what night you went, you either got some G- rated family movies (one first run movie and two less than mediocre throw-aways), three horror or action movies (same deal) or you got the sexploitation movies that were often one step away from a hard "R" or soft porn flick. Sometimes they were sex comedies but often they were low-budget hippie chick flicks where the actors seemed to take themselves too seriously. Cindy and Donna kind of falls in to the latter. This is more than just some flirtatious fun. This really is nothing short of some classic softcore. Cindy and Donna Weeks are two teenage half sisters who live with their dysfunctional parents ( a booze hound mother and a lecherous, infidelity-prone father). While Donna is an "experienced" girl marching toward woman-hood with a boyfriend, younger red-haired sis, Cindy is conflicted and hesitant but still curious about sex. She spies on her sister and listens to her best friend, Karen talk about sex. She also spies on her drunken father as one night he falls into bed with her half sister, his stepdaughter, Donna. Basically there's no real plot that's worth following. It's just these three girls falling into sexual situations to the soundtrack of some "groovy" music (it's hilarious how the script has them drop these hip soundbites of the day like 'far out', 'can you dig it?' and 'I'm hip' every five or ten minutes). The editing is what you'd expect for a low-budget movie from 1970. It's choppy and the film is a little grainy in spots. But this isn't the type of movie you watch for the craftsmanship of filmmaking. In fact, every female featured in the movie seems to be involved in the liberation of the sexual revolution with even Mrs. Weeks throwing herself at her husband's friends. The younger girls are all gorgeous and have no problem disrobing and one girl dances almost nude for a full 30-40 seconds with the camera ogling her naked body. This reminds me why this is one of my favorite periods. The mini-skirts and dresses these girls wear are so short, they can't even lift their arms without giving a show. And the drug use is in full effect. The girls all smoke pot and mom and dad are drunk-a-holics. I bought this as part of a set of four exploitation movies. It's ironic that I watched this one last and it turned out to be the best of the set.
amandaroseatwood This movie is pure junk. It is sexism at it's very worst. Cindy is sexually assaulted at the beach house. She tells the guy to get away several times. It is disgusting to assume that the daughter/stepdaughter enjoys sleeping with her father. All the men in this movie are hideously disgusting creatures, not worthy of any female attention. Every girl is naked in this movie except the mother, presumably because she is too old. The idea that these young girls would be having any kind of a good time is ridiculous. The director and writers clearly don't know anything about real psychological interaction. The only thing they are trying to do is get people sexually excited and it works, but this kind of excitement can happen without this unhealthy theme. This is absolutely not the way women would really behave given the situation. It just proves that a man wrote and directed it. I kept waiting for a point, and there wasn't one-Except to point out that the girls get punished in the end for their behavior, because of course, everything that happens to them is their fault. Where is the punishment for the father? Boy, you 70s girls sure had to put up with a lot. I'm glad there are some differences in the way women are treated now. I realize this is just a movie, but in order for it to be really good it should take some responsibility. I can't believe kids across the country saw this movie and probably assumed some of this was alright. Trashy, nasty, stupid, and frankly boring. My husband was bored to death, he wanted me to turn it off, but I insisted there would be some point and wanted to watch it. Don't waste your time.
Woodyanders Sweet and naive innocent Cindy (cute redhead Debbie Osborne) is eager to learn all about the joys of sex and dope. Her brash, slutty older half-sister Donna (hot brunette Nancy Ison) sets an excellent example for Cindy to emulate with her loose and uninhibited escapades. Pretty soon Cindy gets into the swing of things: she engages in a heavy petting session with an amorous beach bum, smokes pot for the first time, and gets more intimate with her outgoing best gal pal Karen (foxy looker Cheryl Powell). Meanwhile, all is not well at home: Their bitter'n'boozy shrewish mother Harriet (deliciously overplayed with eye-rolling hammy brio by Suzy Allen) drinks herself to besotted oblivion while their henpecked pop has an adulterous affair with a luscious barely legal teenage stripper. Director Robert Anderson and writer Barry Clark really hit all the necessary seedy bases with this terrifically tawdry'n'trashy tale of adolescent angst and middle class dysfunction: we've got copious tasty female nudity, lurid soft-core sex scenes, a crude, leering, downbeat tone, excessive drug use, an incredibly dippy, yet catchy and groovy theme song, a great surprise bummer ending, and an especially bleak depiction of blue collar ennui and despair. Better still, there's a veritable avalanche of nice'n'naughty carnal activity featured throughout: standard straight copulation, lesbianism, voyeurism, masturbation, infidelity, and even a truly startling instance of father/daughter incest. Robert O. Ragland's funky score neatly alternates between jaunty bluegrass tunes and hard-burning fuzztone guitar rock noise. J. Barry Herron's rough'n'grainy cinematography further enhances the overall scuzziness. Granted, the delectable young lady leads aren't exactly the most capable actresses, but man do they look absolutely smoking in their birthday suits. A wonderfully raunchy treat.
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