Christmas Comes to Pac-land
Christmas Comes to Pac-land
| 16 December 1982 (USA)
Christmas Comes to Pac-land Trailers

Pac-Man and friends try to help Santa fix his sleigh and save Christmas!

Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Horst in Translation ( Looks like there really is a Christmas special on everything. This one here is connected to the uber-famous, very old computer game Pacman and we follow a family/village of Pac(wo)men during the holiday season. The first five minutes of this 30-minute short they collide with the creatures they fight against in the video game. And the Pacmen here can actually eat them as well. Bt to make it more child-friendly, the eyes of the villains survive (that sounds kinda bloody and wrong) and just move on. Rightly afterward, Santa crashes down with his sleigh and his reindeer, including Rudolph as well. Santa tells the gang that it is their task to save Christmas this time and so they do. They even get unexpected help during that mission and in the end, of course, they succeed and everybody gets presents. This one here is a spin-off from a Pacman television series I have never heard of and features also most of the voice actors from that show. Director Roy Patterson is a bit of a legend in the animation sector and Jeffrey Scott, the writer of this holiday special, was still pretty young when this was made, but not inexperienced either. Only criticism I have is that the animation really looks from almost 50 years earlier and not from the 1980s, maybe because Patterson had a career in the industry already long before his effort here. Then again, this gives a bit of a traditional vibe to the movie. All in all, a solid watch. Recommended.
utgard14 The Pac-Man cartoon was, of course, based off of the mega-popular video game. This Christmas special is spun-off from that. It's about Pac-Man (who sounds like William Bendix) and friends helping Santa after he crashes. Santa comes across as kind of incompetent in this. He wasn't even aware that Pac-Land existed. I wonder how many other places he doesn't know about? Santa's a real mess here. He even breaks down in tears feeling sorry for himself at one point. Anyway, Pac-Man helps him get his butt in gear and delivering presents to all the places he bothered to remember.The animation is limited, as most television animation was at the time. The humor is mostly kiddy stuff, which is fine as that was the target audience. Now it seems mostly of interest to people who grew up in the 1980s. Still, little kids might like it. Full of bright colors and playful characters. Older kids will probably just wonder who Pac-Man is and if Santa is on medication.
Michael_Elliott Christmas Comes to PacLand (1982)*** (out of 4)Surprisenly good animated film has Santa Claus landing in PacLand where PacMan and his family are confused by who he is and what he does. Santa explains that he delivers presents to people on Christmas but his sack of toys have gone missing. PacMan must then go out to the Ghost Brothers to try and get them back. Christmas COMES TO PACLAND is a pretty entertaining little short that clocks in at 24-minutes and actually manages to be entertaining throughout. I never watched the television show so this here was the first time I had actually seen anything with the characters (outside the game of course) and I was surprised at how entertaining and likable they were. As you'd expect, the Christmas message is full of bright and the ending is also incredibly cute. The animation itself was also very impressive and I really liked the colors used for the scenery.
Moonhawk1975 I re-discovered this special this past Christmas when it was shown on Boomerang. I recorded it on my DVR and forgot all about it until today. I sat down with my 2-year-old daughter to watch and am surprised to see she can't take her eyes off the screen. (Probably wondering what the heck I am subjecting her to now) Is it cheesy? Yes. Is it as good as I remembered? Sort of. It does hold up well, but some things are better watched when you're 7. The animation is typical of Saturday morning cartoons from the 80's and it does bring back the memories of all the cartoons I used to watch (the best being Dungeons & Dragons, which I recently found on Toon Disney). If you get a chance to re-visit this, you should.