R | 14 August 2001 (USA)
Choke Trailers

Henry, an uptight businessman who sometimes acts with questionable ethics, nevertheless rejects Ron, a scam artist who wants a partner. Ron won't let up and finds a lever to blackmail Henry, whose daughter Gina has killed a pedestrian in a hit-and-run car accident. To protect Gina, Henry disposes of Ron, but a murderous sociopath witnesses this crime. Henry and this stranger bond in an odd way, telling stories about their childhoods. Henry makes a deal with the stranger, helping to get rid of the body of one of the stranger's victims. Will this act seal a bargain between the two men and get Henry off the hook, or will the stranger threaten Henry and Gina?

Dotbankey A lot of fun.
Bea Swanson This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
friduchaulv I admit it now. This is one of the lamest films ever made. But, in Mr Sjogrens defense, the "Not really"-scene wasn't all bad! And you gotta love the effort of going all the way to Sweden just to find a sweet Swedish 15 year old blonde, have her speak Swedish posing as the Jewish mother of Henry (dennis hopper). What makes this scene so perfect is that Henrys father answers the blonde Swedish-speaking(Jewish?) girl in German... The best actor/actress of all in the film must be the nun who takes care of Henrys mother, this is a woman who has had no experience whatsoever of acting, but still puts in the most convincing performance of all!All and all, this flick is nostalgia for me personally, it is after all what gave me a posting on IMDb:s database. :D//Feelin like a movie-star*
Movie Nuttball Choke is a very good film that has a good cast which includes Dennis Hopper, Michael Madsen, Chelsy Reynolds, Bradley Armstrong Donohue, Tamara Cholakian, Robert Baugh, Roy Tate, Paula Stevens, Robert Reiser, Beny Hafkamp, Baron Gerrick, Brian Dill, and Racquel Krupsaw. The acting by all of these actors is very good. Hopper and Madsen are really hilarious together in this film. I thought that they performed good. The thrills is really good and some of it is surprising. The movie is filmed very good. The music is good. The film is quite interesting and the movie really keeps you going until the end. This is a very good and thrilling film. If you like Dennis Hopper, Michael Madsen, Chelsy Reynolds, Bradley Armstrong Donohue, Tamara Cholakian, Robert Baugh, Roy Tate, Paula Stevens the rest of the cast in the film, Comedy, Action, Thrillers, Crime, Adventure, Dramas, and interesting films then I strongly recommend you to see this film today!
duckydee40 I thought Choke had potential, but I thought it could have been a much better film. It had some interesting twists and turns, but some of them seemed kind of pointless. When showing background on the two main characters, some of that really seemed to go awry. Most of it was sort of useless and didn't help the movie at all. This was also not Dennis Hopper's finest hour. However, the main saving grace of this movie for me was Michael Madsen. His performance was excellent. In this movie, he almost makes Mr. Blonde look like a nice guy. All in all, it was watchable. Still, I was left thinking some things could have been done differently. These things would have made the movie much better, in my opinion.
sleeper100 I just can't imagine any possible reasons why Madsen and Hopper wanted to be in this movie after reading the script. They got blackmailed maybe? Or are they that badly out of money? The main problem with the movie is that it's boring. The conversations between Madsen's and Hopper's character are pointless, just like the bored chatting between two buddies while drinking beer on a saturday night. You never feel for any of the characters (although Madsen's psycho killer is very likeable, comparing to the other characters). Hopper always was a good actor, and Madsen does a fine job as the serial killer, otherwise the acting is almost laughable. There are about three scenes in the whole movie where something is actually happening, each of them last about three minutes. Although the "talking and thinking about murder and the nature of murderers" scenes would have been interesting, if they were scenes in a book. The whole concept would've been interesting for a novel, but a movie just can't bare with a story with that much inner thinking and so little action.