Chinese Zodiac
Chinese Zodiac
PG-13 | 18 October 2013 (USA)
Chinese Zodiac Trailers

Asian Hawk leads a mercenary team to recover several lost artifacts from the Old Summer Palace, the bronze heads of the 12 Chinese Zodiac animals which were sacked by the French and British armies from the imperial Summer Palace in Beijing in 1860. Assisted by a Chinese student & a Parisian lady, Hawk stops at nothing to accomplish the mission.

Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
George Clarke I have long been a Jackie Chan fan for over 30 years now. To me, the man is one of the most amazing human beings alive today, and rarely fails to entertain!Unfortunately, when he made the move to Hollywood, those moments of failure came a little more than often.Thankfully, he son caught on, and before we knew it, Chan was back in HK giving his true fans what they all really wanted... Good HK styled Jackie Chan action!Jumping to 2012, the announcement and release of the 3rd part of some of my favourite Jackie films, the Amour Of God series, came to us in the form of Chinese Zodiac.Almost instantly, there was a host of fans and critics slamming the film, stating how ridiculous it was, awful plot, okay action scenes and heavy use of CGI.Lets face it folks, the most amazing action star in the world is over 60 now. Old enough to be your granddad! So please tell me, what are you expecting from him?Chinese Zodiac is one of the most fun, funny, and action packed Jackie Chan flicks we have had in a long time! It is as close as we have got since the turn of the century, to a hark back to the golden age of Hong Kong cinemas best in the 80's and early 90's.It shines as one of the best family films and action comedies out there, and is never out of our DVD player at home!Nodding to some of the best moments from Armour Of God 2: Operation Condor, we see Jackie and his fresh faced cast tackle pirates, police, spy's and gangsters as they globe-trot and kick ass in a bid to collect the infamous bronze heads of China.Hilarious and action packed, Chinese Zodiac is just simply brilliant an features a hell of an end scene that shames most Hollywood action flicks today!
Adam Venedam Lets be honest, the story is great, but I don't think it was executed properly, for some reason it just seems like there is a little bit too much going on and some things aren't really explained IMO.Another thing, everyone who says this is one of his worst are clearly stupid.Why do most of us watch Chan films? For THE ACTION Yes it may not be as amazing as his fights and stunts from the 80's and 90's but damn its pretty amazing, the standout scenes are the human rollerblading suit part and the huge fight scene in that factory, we see classic fighting here and to make that even better it ends with an incredibly crafty fight in which Chan uses an umbrella, and a camera tripod against the bad guys, hell there's even an awesome 1 on 1 fight on a couch that is pretty good as well.Sure I expected and would have liked maybe one more big fight scene somewhere in this (especially since its 2 hours) but to be honest, im just happy that we even got yet another great action scene from him! So all in all im just basing this on what I look for and enjoy from Jackie, and that is his action scenes, I loved them, if you are a fan of the man there is absolutely NO reason why you wont like the action in this.Moving on though to the actual film overall though, a few negative things I would have to say - A bit too long, I feel it would have been perfect to end it after the big fight scene instead of showing the skydiving stuff - Cheesy CGI, its pretty bad, reminds me of Hollywood CGI from like 2002 So yes there are a few problems with it but like I said, I was pleased with the Action enough not to even care about the story.
aldri-feb A total crap film from a martial art legend, Jackie Chan. "Chinese Zodiac" is predictable, frustrating, dramatized, unfunny, boring and pretentious action packed that shouldn't be produced at any chances. My thought during watching this disaster is when would this film over also feel regrets for not turning it off after about 30 minutes. The idea of this movie could be come from some Hollywood blockbuster film like "Mission Impossible", "Indiana Jones" and is that pirates, seriously? There are so many coincidences, disorganized plot, cheap yet unfunny line, non-sense action sequences and amateur acting from it's supporting casts. With holes everywhere and so many weaknesses spotted, it just turns my mood to see this and give no care of what happens to the relics or any bronzes which JC and his crews rescued. Even advanced gadgets the movie got or Jackie Chan itself couldn't save these. At the end, the best part of this horrible nightmare is how relieved I feel when the movie finally over, what a completely waste of time. Alongside with "The Spy Next Door", "Chinese Zodiac" couldn't be only just contenders for the worst Jackie Chan film ever made but also wounds action genre itself unless you're a Jackie Chan fan, I think you couldn't be hating this much as long as your idol appears on screen.
steve beard I saw "Chinese Zodiac", starring Jackie Chan-The Karate Kid-2010, the Rush Hour films; Oliver Platt-X-Men: First Class, Lake Placid and Xingtong Yao-this is her second film with Amor being her first.This is a milestone of a movie for a couple of reasons. First, is because this is supposedly Jackie Chan's last action movie-he said he is retiring from martial arts movies because of his age and injuries but will still make regular movies. Second, is because Jackie got into the Guinness World Record for 'Most Credits in One Movie' for this film. He has 15, including writer, producer, director, fight choreographer, music composer and, Oh Yeah, actor-the previous record was held by Robert Rodriguez with 11. Anyway, Jackie plays a mercenary that recovers lost artifacts. In this case, he is hired by Oliver to find the 12 bronze heads of the Chinese Zodiac that were stolen from the Chinese. Xingtong plays one of Jackie's team members. There are lots of spectacular stunt work and amazing fight sequences, as usual for a Jackie Chan film and the end credits have the usual bloopers and out takes. There is an added bonus at the end where they show clips from Jackie's earlier films, which I'm sure, as a tribute. It's rated "PG-13" for the violence and some partial nudity-Jackie, not his female co-stars-and a running time of 1 hour & 49 minutes. I'm a big Jackie Chan fan and really enjoyed this film, so I would buy this on Blu-Ray. It's in limited release-at the theater I saw it at, they only had one showing.