Chinese Puzzle
Chinese Puzzle
R | 16 May 2014 (USA)
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Xavier is a 40-year-old father of two who still finds life very complicated. When the mother of his children moves to New York, he can't bear them growing up far away from him and so he decides to move there as well.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
Loui Blair It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
Raymond Sierra The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
roland-scialom The main characters in the story live fairly hectic lives, punctuated by small incidents that seem serious at first moment, but turn out to be overcome in a second moment. They never lose the enthusiasm to face the challenges that arise along the way. Xavier is a guy at the same time: (1) complicated in what is happening in his head, (2) spontaneous in his reactions face to adversities that arise on his way, and finally (3) a guy who has a good heart. His good heart attracts the sympathy of people he encounters in his life and the love of a few. The outcome of this story is very optimistic. Maybe even too optimistic. This makes the film conveys optimism and cheerfulness and is why it deserves to be seen.
aharmas Audrey Tautou and Romain Duris might not reach the heights of Cary Grant and Audrey Hepburn, or the lighter, more down-to-earth "Four Weddings and a Funeral"... "Chinse Puzzle" is neither ultra-sophisticated or really funny, but it is amusing, with a different perspective for romantic comedies, giving us a rawer and truly different take on the way men and women understand each other. For starters, where do you go after being together for ten years with a woman from another country? You just jump on the first plane and cross the ocean! It's at this moment you leave all sense of logic behind because a seemingly successful writer in Paris becomes an apparently broken foreigner who must find some contrived maneuvers to survive in the Big Apple. I guess they needed some color and a bit of a "ethnic" atmosphere here. I think it would have been easier just to keep matters simple. The different relationships would have worked on their own, mostly on the chemistry of the principal cast. However, if our hero has to struggle, then we can bring INS in and really complicate things.Xavier is best friends with a lesbian, but he and his wife can't truly communicate, break up and somehow it is better when they're apart. The dialogue feels very strange when it's not even a combination of languages, but like seeing two people failing to communicate in a UN meeting. The children never speak English? What's the deal with writer's block, too? Throw in donating sperm for the lesbian couple, marrying a Chinese woman to stay in N.Y., and you come up with something entertaining, but that still feels half-cooked.With all these obstacles, it would seem impossible to like what appears to be a mess, but all the actors are very appealing, and there's something fresh about seeing French actors struggle in N.Y. They are always so sophisticated, dressed impeccably in the latest fashions, and here they are confused, emotionally unstable, not unleashing sophisticated charm on us, but appearing vulnerable and very likable.Tautou shines in her pedestrian outfits, even when she gets a dynamite scene dealing with a Chinese magnate and proves she is a formidable actress. She's lovely as she ages and shows her flaws. Cecile De France approaches her relationship in an aggressive but still appealing way. She's just free. It's also cool to have an ex-partner in a legal meeting who is not tearing the other apart. The only bad guy here appears to be the INS agent, but even he looks pretty understanding in the end.It's cool to see N.Y. from the immigrant's point of view, without drowning the story in sadness and tragedy or just making it too fluffy. Yes, it might be contrived, but it's still like a French soufflé, enjoyable and light, and maybe forgettable quite soon.
r-hehl I've seen this movie yesterday and was disappointed. Especially since I really liked the first and second prequel. I am always turned off by a movie that is badly edited, badly scripted and does not really have a good story to tell. If one keeps close attention one will notice many illogical situations. Not everything needs to be logical in a movie but it is better not that obvious. For example, I encourage everybody to keep a close look for pregnant and non-pregnant women, for the main doors to the houses when children's are picked up and delivered, and for some awful dialog when somebody reveals "something very personal" nobody cares about. There is much more like this. This movie could easily feature as a bad TV soap opera. Just see for yourself. The only thing that kept me in the movie theater were a few scenes that are really funny and some camera work for which movies by Cédric Klapisch are famous for. By the way, the music is excellent.
leplatypus Beyond the talent of the cast and the director, i really like this trilogy because it's the only movies in which i can say that my life is on screen : maybe i'm a bit narcissistic, but it's above all wonderful to have an exterior view on his own life : Thus, like the movie, i'm also a Xavier, a civil servant for the Ministry of finances, my heart is also in writing (take a look of my reviews!) and my best friends come from my European experience ! However if i was thinking that the parallels were over and that the 2 movies have said it all, this new one manages to surprise me in exposing again my actual feelings : I'm going to reach 40 and i haven't find my « B » destination yet : I have crashed on a relationship and I target to go to NYC. So his trip in NYC was like a repeat of my future travel and it was a lot better than its relative « Nous York ». Sure, it's not again the glamor, postcards version of the city but Klapish is very inventive and uses all the modern technology to make NYC alive and fun ! He really have understood NYC as he has the same point of view of Frank Miller, the comics master : NYC is about verticality ! And i really like how he can live in a poor accommodation as i have got exactly the same in Paris ! After this good start, the movie is almost a remake of « Green Card » but for me the difference is that Xavier is sincere and honest in his feeling of being lost : so, his life is complicated because he just doesn't understand it. But, the movie is helpful as it mirrors again my reading : the meaning of life is to commit to a dream and makes it happen by taking initiative, thus by making choices. Again, it's funny to see that i'm also torn to make a decisive choice for my future but so far, i'm still stuck in indecision. As the previous movie, my past colleague was also with me and if he isn't a Xavier being a happy husband and father, this movie speaks also to him as he was dubious about a gay family : As he told it, this movie was also excellent in this theme because it doesn't judge bur rather invite to debate. Beyond our personal beliefs, this movie is a must-see because it just tell a simple story in a very funny way and is as deep and rich in its content than its visual (voice-over, reality blur, split screen, animation…). Romain is still as good (maybe the only difference with me is that he's told to be good looking, that was also the appreciation of my Swedish friend) and Tautou was maybe less cold as she was moving as a crying mother in travel learning that her child is ill at home (i witnessed the same situation and the reaction was totally opposite !). So, Xavier, I hope to see you at fifty to check up if we have done at last something of our live !