Chickens Come Home
Chickens Come Home
NR | 21 February 1931 (USA)
Chickens Come Home Trailers

Ollie is running for mayor when an old flame tries to blackmail him with a old photo.

Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
GazerRise Fantastic!
Bergorks If you like to be scared, if you like to laugh, and if you like to learn a thing or two at the movies, this absolutely cannot be missed.
Ella-May O'Brien Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
Hitchcoc These L & H shorts are priceless. In this one Ollie has political aspirations. He is even practicing his acceptance speech as a mayoral candidate. Who should show up but regular Laurel and Hardy nemesis Mae Busch. She has a photograph of her cavorting with Ollie in a sort of compromising position. They were an item in a previous time. Of course, she has gotten wind of his recent political successes and decides to blackmail him. She demands money or she will show the photo to his wife. What transpires is a series of pratfalls and attempts to hide Mae in closets. Of course, the wives are again dangerous characters so Stan and Ollie get it from both sides. Marvelous effort once again.
mark.waltz Laurel gets to use one of Oliver's key lines in this excellent short, spoofing political scandals, not that those exist anymore. I feel sorry for the city that would have Hardy as a mayoral candidate, but indeed he is, and blackmailed by old flame Mae Busch. Since Hardy is married to the perky Thelma Todd, I can see why he'd not want to risk for the prune faced Busch. Ollie gets Laurel to stand in for him to find out Busch's demands, causing issues with Laurel's wife, too. Busch's temper (and suspicious Todd's too) will certainly leave scars in this rather adult entry in their series of shorts. Long running rival James Finlayson plays Oliver's nosy butler. Patsy O'Byrne is very funny as a nosy spinster with more than a passing resemblance to Margaret Hamilton.
tavm Ollie is running for mayor but first he has to get rid of an old flame (Mae Busch) who wants to be paid or else she'll expose their affair on the front page courtesy of an incriminating photo. So he sends Stan to keep on eye on her while he entertains some important guests at his house with his wife (Thelma Todd) and butler (James Finlayson) in tow. I'll stop there and just say this was another hilarious Laurel & Hardy short that I highly enjoyed from beginning to end. Finlayson and Ms. Todd's reactions really got me going along with, of course, Stan & Ollie's antics concerning Ms. Busch's presence. And how about Norma Drew as Mrs. Laurel. And hearing Stan saying the iconic "nice mess" line was also great to hear! It should be noted this was made during the early talkie era when, if you wanted to see this in another language, instead of dubbing the lead actors would then read the alternate words at a blackboard off-screen with support from alternate players who came from the country of origin of that language or at least someone who knew it well. So now I'm going to watch the Spanish version of this short...
Jackson Booth-Millard Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy are the most famous comedy duo in history, and deservedly so, so I am happy to see any of their films. Basically Ollie is running for mayor, when old flame (Mae Busch) shows up with a photo of him and her together, blackmailing him to give her money to keep quiet. Stan is the one who has to keep her from getting to Mrs. Hardy (Thelma Todd), who is busy at a dinner party. Of course, the old flame and Stan squabble for a while, but she gets away eventually, and reaches Ollie's house, where the photo is brought by Stan, and there is a situation to hide it, but in the end, Ollie and Stan run away, including from Mrs. Laurel (Norma Drew) with a small axe. Also starring James Finlayson as the suspicious Butler who will only keep quiet when paid by Ollie. There were the tiniest moments of comedy, but it isn't a great black and white film. Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy were number 7 on The Comedians' Comedian. Okay!
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