Chicken Park
Chicken Park
| 05 April 1996 (USA)
Chicken Park Trailers

Vladimiro travels to the Dominican Republic with his fighting-chicken when it gets stolen. While searching for his lost chicken he discovers Chicken Park, a zoo full of giant chickens.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Grimerlana Plenty to Like, Plenty to Dislike
Cooktopi The acting in this movie is really good.
Roxie The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
mrhellerphant I could go on to say what everyone else has said about this unfortunate skidmark on the underwear of modern cinema, but I think this video sums up Chicken Park pretty well. to the "New & Improved" Super Fantastical Awesome Movie Review Show Starring Heller & The Budz. This episode the lads investigate the urban legend of Chicken Park, a movie so bad that Heller claims that the producers stretched from corners of the globe to eradicate it's existence. In a video store so far far away they stumble across what he believes to be the final copy in existence. The KingHit Studios team have been churning out videos for the past year, including the YouTube Award Winning Room 4 Rent. You can follow the team here or on their Facebook
buffylover1985 The worst movie ever made, BAR NONE. It even makes 2001 A Space Travesty look good. Words cant describe how bad this movie is! I have considered buying it from the video store i work in, just so i can do a sacrificial burning of it!!!!!!!
cto0498 Probably not italian viewers can be mistaken some jokes that seem awful or without a sense. This is due to relations in the jokes to advertisements (Ferrero Rocher) or TV movies that appear only to italian people. The connection with Jurassic Park is the only visible to the whole world. The a great part of the world gave so many prizes to Jurassic Park. It is obvious that this world doesn't like the parody of Jurassic Park. Chicken Park is wonderful, the first idea and the jokes and most of the characters. You cannot pretend that a movie created with a bunch of dollars has the same special effects that movies in which the enormous budget is an great advertisement. Thanks to Jerry Calà.
ronny-12 "Chicken Park" has an intriguing idea behind it (basically Jurassic Park, with giant chickens), but it just doesn't work. The acting is terrible, the special effects are woeful, the plot is worse. This is the worst movie I have ever seen.There are bad movies that are enjoyable due to their schlock factor, and there are bad movies that are just bad. Chicken Park is one of the latter. It's the sort of movie that if you were flicking channels at 3AM, you would be better off with infomercials.Avoid at all costs.