R | 17 January 2002 (USA)
Cherish Trailers

After a martini-induced rampage, a fantasy-prone young woman is placed under house arrest.

Steinesongo Too many fans seem to be blown away
Teringer An Exercise In Nonsense
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Python Hyena Cherish (2002): Dir: Finn Taylor / Cast: Robin Tunney, Tim Blake Nelson, Nora Dunn, Jason Priestley, Lindsay Crouse: The title may have significance but indirectly in terms of describing the plot, which may have been inspired by the superior Alfred Hitchcock classic Rear Window. The title may indicate the heroine's love for vinyl music or her obsession of two men, one being a stalker who plasters her photos all over his apartment walls, and the other being a technician in charge of the ankle bracelet she must wear during house arrest. Robin Tunney stars as an office worker isolated socially using music to cope with stress. When leaving a club she is attacked by a stalker, which leads to the death of a police officer when her car swerves into him. The stalker isn't seen, and Tunney was under the influence of alcohol. Directed by Finn Taylor who also made Dream With the Fishes. Tunney holds her own bringing out the desperate anguish of a woman trapped by injustice and fear. Tim Blake Nelson as the visiting officer is really a potential romantic fling, which prevents the character from being more interesting. Nora Dunn is given the standard role of lawyer, and Jason Priestley steals moments as Tunney's obsession. Lindsay Crouse plays a therapist who will attempt to help Tunney get her crap together. Theme regards the things that we should cherish but take for granted. Score: 5 ½ / 10
jotix100 "Cherish", directed by Finn Taylor, is worth a look because it's much better than some other more pretentious movies that fared much better, be it because hype, or wider distribution. The talent gathered here is young and wonderful and the great sound track, mostly from the 80s works extremely well.We first meet Zoe, an insecure young person, as she comes to work in an office where she sticks out like a sore thumb. Zoe is an original in her own way, but she tries too hard to fit in. Her mostly sophisticated coworkers reject her on the basis of looks. Zoe is heavily into music. We see her dialing her local radio station to ask the D.J. to play favorites, which he always has ready. Her 'radio' name is Natasha!Something horrible happens to Zoe after a party. A policeman is killed and all points out to Zoe being the culprit. Thus begins a house arrest in which Zoe is made to wear an ankle strap that will monitor her movements. Daly, the police department in charge of this operation, becomes fascinated by this young woman. Suddenly, this man will be seeing things differently as he falls for Zoe in a no-win situation.The viewer is in for a treat because of the immensely winning performance of Robin Tunney. She is a fantastic presence as Zoe. We get a feeling of claustrophobia as we watch her confined to a seedy loft for a crime she has nothing to do with. Tim Blake Nelson, who we have seen on plays in the New York stage, makes an incredible contribution to this story that is set in the Bay area. "Cherish" will win anyone with an open heart.
mdocmorris A fine exploration of love and obsession and a woman's journey for identity wrapped in an implausible plot, 'Cherish' is an admirable film full of well-rounded, comedic performances by a mostly unsung cast. Robin Tunney, who some of you may know from the remake of 'The In-Laws', stars as Zoe, a ditzy, confused young woman at the beginning of the film. She defines herself by her pitiful relationships with men, which through plot circumstances I won't reveal, result in her being confined to a seedy apartment somewhere in San Francisco, awaiting trial for a crime she didn't commit. Gradually, she discovers her strength as a woman, both physically and emotionally, through her relationships with her apartment mates, local neighbors, and most significantly with Tim Blake Daly, who portrays the cop who monitors her confinement. Great musical score that comments on the movie's themes, some great comic bits by the supporting cast and excellent direction by Finn Taylor. San Franciscans will snicker at the journey Zoe takes through the city to return to her apartment when she is allowed a day of escape, and some folks may scoff at the rather absurd plot, but I found this to be a very adorable film and recommend it to any film buffs who have grown bored by the usual Hollywood mush.
chrissythecat I just saw the film "Cherish" on television the other day, and I have to say, I think it's a brilliant little film. I think Robin Tunney and Tim Blake Nelson are highly underrated actors who deserve our praise for their amazing performances. I absolutely recommend this film if you tend to like slightly off-beat, almost campy movies. It's not really a mainstream movie, but if you have the chance to see it, check it out. It's about this woman (Tunney) who people see as weak and helpless. She's quirky and her style and appearance match her personality. She loves music and throughout the film, songs are used to convey the theme and mood, almost acting as another character. She ends up attracting this guy who basically is stalking her and ends up ruining her life. I don't want to give away the entire movie and ruin it, so I'll leave it at that.