NR | 01 June 2005 (USA)
Cheap Trailers

Driven mad by his failure to sell a profitable film to the porn industry, a director decides to create authentic snuff films with the assistance of two teenage runaways and a perverted cameraman. When the films bring in a profit through an amateur internet production company, they begin to see the film industry for what it is: a world of backstabbing and double-crosses. The twisted filmmakers then extract their own form of graphic revenge on the people who made them successful.

Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
Borserie it is finally so absorbing because it plays like a lyrical road odyssey that’s also a detective story.
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Illyngophobia I recall hearing many people,including Brad Jones himself talk about it. I came across a video he made explaining the movie and the concept quickly pulled me in.Cheap is a 2005 low budget movie about the porn/snuff industry. We meet Max Force, a porn producer with a cocaine addiction who is getting tired of repetitive plots and ideas and wants something fresh and new. For much of the movie, we see conflict issues between Max and his pregnant wife,Tracy. Later into the movie, we meet Jack Stone, a porn director who worked with Max in the past. He brought a lot of money to Max's company and is welcomed backed; after a recent movie by him is given to Max. Max tells another director in the industry, Derek, that he should learn something from Jack. It's unbeknownst to Max or anyone else that the ultra violent porn was real, and Max distributed a snuff film to his website.With the help of his girlfriend Patty, a teenage runaway Anita and an old friend who was previously found guilty of being a child molester Manny; Jack and crew make large amounts of money for the few snuff films they directed.The movie has hardly any redeeming characters so when something bad happens to them, you don't care. It also changes from being a movie with situational irony and balancing of two evils, to a revenge film as it reaches the end. It's really nice and interesting with the death scenes, to hear ballads playing in the background. It's nice to hear such a beautiful score, but at the same time it's also ironic for reasons which remind me of Cannibal Holocaust. The movie itself is pretty long and does stretch out, but it's still pretty great.Give it a shot sometime.
Ken Hoover The camera-work in scenes like the at the beginning when the opening credits role is quite good and effective and let's you know exactly what it is your getting into, a really messed up movie. There are also many parts when the characters in the movie are filming something and the way the camera is angled and positioned keeps it from looking obviously fake, even though it clearly is especially in one film in particular that they make. Acting in a Brad Jones movie usually isn't the best in the world and most of the actors in this one in particular don't really seem like there giving it all they got, but with the exception of David Gobble as Max Force and Nick Foster as Manny who both give these characters a lot more personality and likability than two people as terrible as them actually need. Everyone else is either just okay or just totally let down by the movie's biggest weakness, the script.It seems as though Brad Jones is trying to be like other talented writers in a way, Tarantino especially. The dialog instead of sounding like actual dialog sounds more like the kind that you would hear from someone who you can tell is a big movie buff and is trying to make his movie's script sound more fictitious and original, when really you can tell that he is just trying a little too hard. It's hard to explain and other people who have seen it probably don't feel the same way, but for me personally it was very distracting and just got me thinking about other movies with dialog similar to this one.A pretty decent film overall that has it's highs and lows much like most movies out there. It's worth a watch, I've seen it twice already and I may need to see it again because every time a watch it I feel differently about it.
mutiplepurpose It's rare to find a true work of art in the horror genre; typically the films in this category are all about content and not really about polish, deep feasible plots, and presentation but rather focus more on how they can just "shock" you and illicit reactions of of the audience.Brad Jones' film CHEAP is tastefully distasteful. It not only has substance and gets its point across, but it also keeps your attention, and can make you feel things for characters that you don't wish to have empathy for; not an easy task. In addition it still provides all the moral shredding that a horror movie can dish out without simply presenting a total "gross out gore fest" If wanton slaughter could be done tastefully, then this film is as close to that as you can get. Not to mention that for a film including the porn industry as part of its content and even having a scene of sexual content, there is no flagrant or needless nudity. This movie is about the story line and believe me it truly delivers. 10/10.
larsclopez in the first scene the quality of film comes into question as we see some grainy camcorder footage, but do to the effective use of the music and acting quickly makes us forget about the quality.the movie has a very well written script making the characters more believable and can relate to. the acting is a mixture with some actors being very good and others amateur or alright. the music is used very effectively and fits with the scenes in a morbid cynical way, this also creates the mood for the movie giving the user a relaxed but at the same time disturbed feeling as you find yourself listening to some classical love ballads while a person is killed in a graphic manner.the movies is on the longer side and can be a little boring at bits in the first half (i think it was smart they edited out that hour of footage)but it picks up in the second half.