Charlie Chan in Shanghai
Charlie Chan in Shanghai
NR | 11 October 1935 (USA)
Charlie Chan in Shanghai Trailers

When a prominent official is murdered at a banquet honoring Charle Chan, the detective and son Lee team up to expose an opium-smuggling ring.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Michael_Elliott Charlie Chan in Shanghai (1935)** 1/2 (out of 4) Charlie Chan (Warner Oland) is in Shanghai where he's about to receive an award but at the ceremony and man is murdered in a very clever way. Soon Chan and Lee Chan (Keye Luke) are investigating the murder, which leads to several attempts on their own lives.CHARLIE CHAN IN SHANGHAI is certainly the weakest film in the series up to this point. That's not to say that this isn't an entertaining entry in the long-running series but it seems a lot of different things were asleep at the wheel including the story and the characters. It seems that they tried to make up for the lack of story by throwing more bits of humor surrounding Chan's son but even this doesn't quite pay off.Again, the biggest issue is certainly the story itself, which is pretty routine from start to finish. Outside the clever way the first man is killed, there's really nothing too interesting here. The lack of any real villain is another thing that doesn't work and the lack of any good supporting players is another issue. This here really shocked me because you could say that the earlier films had enough stories for two movies yet this one here isn't given one or any good supporting players.Where the film does work is the greatness of Oland in his role of Chan. Once again he manages to really build this character up and there's no doubt that he's working hard trying to make up for the lack of a plot. Luke is also good in his supporting role, although the screenplay gives him a tad bit too much comedy that doesn't always work. The rest of the supporting cast give decent performances but no one really stands out.CHARLIE CHAN IN SHANGHAI isn't a bad movie per say but it's certainly lacking the script and characters of previous entries.
utgard14 While visiting China, Charlie Chan finds himself the guest at a banquet in his honor. At the banquet, a man is murdered. Now Charlie and "Number One Son" Lee must investigate. This is one of the best of the Charlie Chan series. A nice mystery coupled with some humor and more action than usual for the series. Keye Luke is great in his second appearance as Lee. He was sorely missed in Egypt. Warner Oland is pitch-perfect, as always. We even get to hear him sing! Solid support from pretty Irene Hervey, Halliwell Hobbes, Russell Hicks, and Jon Hall in a very early role (billed under his real name Charles Locher). Just a fun story for fans of classic detective movies.
gazzo-2 And in this case, that's True! Honest. Sorta.Spoiler warning was in affect too you know.This entry was pretty good. I always enjoyed seeing Keye Luke, be it in Mash or Gremlins or the Chan flix. You know pretty early on that Russell Hicks ain't quite what he seems to be, you know that Halliwell Hobbes was slumming it, and you know that they just kinda wedged the reveal of who 'Merlott' was half-assedly at the end. It's okay-the real baddie, of course, is Hicks as the bogus G-Man.I appreciated the warmth between Chan and son, liked Keye Luke's little flying leap on the baddie from the stairs, and the whole Shanghai setting. Odd that this was the only one set in Asia, but's the 30's, what did you expect? I'm a fan of the series so I enjoyed this one too and rec. it if you like all things Oland too.**1/2 outta ****
ccthemovieman-1 This was another very-solid entry in the long-running series that mainly featured either Warner Oland or Sidney Toler as "Charlie Chan." It's generally considered that Oland's films were superior. I enjoy both of them and, after just completing watching the Chan DVD set that were all Toler's films, this return to Oland was a shocker in a way.I say "shocker" mainly because Chan was so nice and respectful to his kid. In the latter films, Toler's Chan does nothing but insult his son, whichever one accompanies him on various cases. Here, Oland's warmth for his Number One Son "Lee" (Keye Luke) is more than evident and "Lee" helps keep the case alive with a daring rescue of his kidnapped father.The story is played much straighter, too, than the Toler versions. There is still levity with Chan' many profound-yet-funny proverbs but this is an action-packed short story played more like the mysteries they were supposed to be. Good stuff