Chain of Command
Chain of Command
| 22 July 2000 (USA)
Chain of Command Trailers

Secret Service agents must retrieve the briefcase allowing the President control of America's nuclear arsenal before massive destruction ensues.

KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
m_viknaraja this is a nice film, pleasently suprised. far better than rating suggests.although the basic idea of good vs evil, one counrty vs another has been demonstrated time and tuime again (e.g. bond films) the twists in this film certainly set it apart. its wonderful entertainment -probably great chick flick to. nice acting - especially vice president, gerneal and president himself.the film starts out rather strange, lots of things going on - not clear how the film will go. however, everything unfolds very well, very clearly and at the right time. the presidential discussions are very lifelike and beliveable.the concept of this film (won't be revealed here) is very good, haven't seen anything quite like it. the twists are excellent, u think u know whats going on and ofocurse it turns your wrong or something unaccepted happens. the film is gripping, u want to know whats around the corner. time really flies.the action scenes are rather good too, sure not up there with james bond, but decent nevetherless. the sound is good too, perfect foir the type of film. the stunts are excellent - gerat martial arts action as well and guns and missiles.the best thing though, is how the good guys dont get what they want. quite simply all hell breaks loose. finally, a film where the bad guys cause serious permanent havoc.this film has everything. its an all in one for sure. this is every bit a blockbuster as a james bond or idependece day. great entertainment on a saturday with mates, and can be watched over and over agin
esteban1747 An action film with weak political arguments. A Taiwanese "maffia" group arrests the president of USA, Roy Scheider (!!!!) and takes over the box with nuclear bottoms. The Taiwaneses are decided to attack China mainland with US nuclear bombs. So the main plot is around how to avoid the war, to fight against the Taiwaneses and to get back the box. The president is killed and the vice- president, the Cuban actress María Conchita Alonso, i.e. a latino lady (!!!!) is taking the control of the action. At the end the evils are in the mainland and not in Taiwan because the vice- president had to press the Chinese president to avoid a real nuclear war although Washington D.C. in the film is destroyed.
James Dusek This is another action movie with a lot of things, I have seen in several other B movies. There is nothing new you can see there. A lot of action and simple story. Another B version of Die Hard.One good thing on it is, that this is well acted in comparison with other similar films.
The Phan Ugh. This movie has so many unbelievable plot contrivances that they made what could have been a good movie into a hideous mess. The story is halfway decent, but the holes in the plot make the execution literally laughable. We're actually supposed to believe that the Secret Service would go against all common sense and allow the President of the United States to be put at unbelievable risk. If this is an indication of the kind of thinking that passes for good judgment among the President's protectors, then we're all in trouble. Roy Scheider turns in a good performance as the President, but it is unfortunately offset by the truly loathsome acting of Patrick Muldoon (who somehow continues to get jobs in Hollywood based solely upon his good looks and his uncanny knack of smirking at every opportunity, regardless of whether the script calls for a smirk). Perhaps someone will see this and be inspired to make a good movie from the premise--or, perhaps someone will see it and say, "Hey, if they can get a movie this bad made, maybe I can, too!"
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