Cemetery Gates
Cemetery Gates
| 30 May 2006 (USA)
Cemetery Gates Trailers

When two ecologists break-in the laboratory of Dr. Belmont, they find a box with a subject and they decide to set the experiment free in the woods. During the transportation, the box opens and releases the mutant Tasmanian Devil that devours the two activists and escapes to the woods. Meanwhile, Dr. Belmont's son Hunter travels in a van with four friends to film a horror movie in the cemetery in the woods, while Belmont and his associate Dr. Christine Kollar seek their deadly experiment called Precious.

Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
AutCuddly Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,
Cheryl A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.
Caryl It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties. It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
Vomitron_G I had some mixed feelings about this one. On the one hand it's just a simple effort with a pretty dull story, lame characters and bad acting written all over it. The only actor worth mentioning, of course, is Reggie Bannister. He's enjoyable to watch, as always, but that's about it. So story- and acting-wise, I was just expecting a bit too much from it. Wrong bet, so it seemed, because this movie is actually not to be taken serious at all. That's just the way the filmmakers intended it. So when you can keep that in mind, that's when the fun starts. Lots, and I do mean LOTS of gory splatter killings by a grotesque looking creature (a giant mutant Tasmanian Devil) doing all the shredding while tunneling itself a way underneath a cemetery ("The Dark" from 1994 starring Brion James and Neve Campbell, anyone?). When you also consider that this movie was meant to be a throwback at the 80's/early 90's creature features (so no lousy CGI to be found in this one), you just can't help yourself but to roll with it and have a fun time. And that's just what "Cemetery Gates" will do: give you a bit of entertainment (horrific, bloody & silly) with a rather bad movie. So it gets extra credit for that. Or maybe I'm just giving the film some free points for that one blond bimbo babe that loves to show her two naked goodies a lot (nearly every chance she gets).
Alucard Venom Personally I enjoyed the movie. It's not anything special, but it was a nice throwback to the creature feature movies, something that's almost forgotten in the cinema today. (is it just me, or almost every new movie tries to be too smart and psychological and ends up being complete joke?) Lets see why this makes excellent B-creature flick? Silly plot? check! Over-sized wild animal? check! Cheap gore? check! Nudity?! check! High body count? check! (+10 if I am correct) ...So what do you need more from B movie that doesn't take itself too seriously? Nothing! It's fairly scripted, even if characters are not very deep, and some of the dialog was complete nonsense, but hey, who cares? This is one of those movies that you get to see with group of friends and laugh your ... on the floor if you don't take it too seriously.Mainstream audiences might find this movie "dull" but anyone who's fan of old CF horror will most likely enjoy it. There's no "twist ending" (is it just me, or most of the twist ending in recent ten years are just bad?) just straight plot about mutated Tasmanian Devil going on killing spree in the cemetery, chasing after bold scientist (our horror icon Reggie Bannister), horny teens, blond bimbos and rednecks.6 of 10, because it's "so bad it's good" and nice throwback to the '80.
blackknight273 I have to admit I pretty much bought this since I saw the Regman (Reggie Bannister for all you nuhorror fans) was starring in this one.The movie was pretty much what I expected - a low budget ripoff of fifty other, better movies. Still it's not as bad as some have posted here, and much better than most indie horror.The Regman as usual makes this movie watchable, as he makes most everything he is in watchable.Sit back, pop open a cold one, and light one up. This is how a movie like this is supposed to be seen, as a escape from the bs of the world.My score 6/10. Not bad, not great but a fun escape.
terrible2 Wow... This one threw me for a loop. With a title like "Cemetery Gates", you kinda start thinking "Zombies" or some other kind of "Undead" folks, but this one fooled me "Hook, Line and what a Stinker". I like to watch the "Making Of" segments first, because it kinda lets you in on what the producers were trying to accomplish. No zombies, no creepy kids, no mortuary, in fact nothing of the "Undead" persuasion at all... A mutant "Tasmaniun Devil" would try to scare us this time around. Well, maybe it would have scared me if IT weren't a guy in a Disneyland costume gone wrong. I mean... Come on! Did the producers honestly think this was going to scare someone? I understand it was supposed to be half comedy, but don't call it "Cemetery Gates" and then insult us with this crap. The scariest part of this film was the fact that the producers actually sought after director Roy Knyrim, so that they could add a real creepy feel to the film. "Sorry Roy" your film sucks! The saddest part is that they suckered Reggie "Phantasim" Bannister to partake in the idiocy. Say it ain't so Reggie... Say it ain't so. The film is a model case for "False Advertising", and I hope "Horror" fans aren't fooled the way that I was.