Catch Me Daddy
Catch Me Daddy
| 27 February 2015 (USA)
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Laila, a girl on the run from her family is hiding out in West Yorkshire with her drifter boyfriend Aaron. When her brother arrives in town with a gang of thugs in tow, she is forced to flee for her life and faces her darkest night.

TinsHeadline Touches You
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
Dylman12 "Catch Me Daddy" is a type of film we, as viewers, don't see very often anymore. It's not a particularly "deep" film but it also doesn't give you any information you don't need nor does it give you silly exposition to know something within the movie. Personally, I find it easy to appreciate that kind of film-making.Apart from some of the dialogue being hard to understand from certain characters thick accents, there are not much flaws within the film from a directing, writing, cinematography, or editing stand point. My rating is mostly based on me being a hard ass while critiquing. With a tension building plot, very cool soundtrack, stellar performances from a couple of the cast members, and a few brutal, brutal scenes, I can recommend this film to almost anyone who doesn't mind watching a movie made in a different country from their own. Enjoy!
filmbizarro "Catch Me Daddy" was a breath of fresh air for a reviewer of mostly independent horror movies like myself. Where most movies I watch try to grab your attention by being over-the-top gory, it is movies like "Catch Me Daddy" that stand out when you look over the past year of reviewing (and general movies you have watched). With their debut feature, the Wolfe brothers have brought out a unique, tough thriller that deals with family, love, religion and crime while always putting emphasis on being a thrilling on-the-run type of adventure.Laila is a British-Pakistani girl. She works at a hair salon with cleaning up the hair from the floor. It's not a great job, but it gives her enough to survive. She lives with her boyfriend Aaron in West Yorkshire, where she is trying to stay hidden from her criminal family. When her father sends her brother and his gang, and another gang of two British guys, after her, Laila and her boyfriend have to run away.Trust me when I say that this is not a fun adventure of hide and seek - "Catch Me Daddy" is incredibly tough and dark. The movie deals with very serious issues and it never stopped surprising me in how riveting it could get. The movie is nearly 2 hours long so at times it did feel a bit slow, and while I was mostly focused on Laila and Aaron we spend a lot of time with the different gangs as well. It adds to the overall plot and relationships between them all, but sometimes it felt like it spread itself thin.Sameena Jabeen Ahmed is a newcomer who already comes off as a star in the lead, with an expressive personality that keeps us rooting for her. She shows her character's strengths and weaknesses in a realistic manner. It's surprising that she has not done acting prior to this movie. Obviously the movie would not be what it is without the co-star, Conor McCarron, who brings a completely different personality into the story, a rough but loving character who protects Laila with her life.If this sounds like you would be intrigued by it, then odds are that you would be. It's a suspenseful adventure that ends on a very upcoming dark note. Equally poetic as it is packed with violent force, you won't be left unaffected. It might not make a stir as some similarly dark thrillers such as Gaspar Noé's work has, but it is absolutely a movie worth watching. The movie is distributed by Oscilloscope Laboratories and it has its US theatrical release on August 7th and VOD release on September 1st, so you can watch it sooner rather than later!
stilladvance very powerful, and pretty impressive as a hybrid of British art- house and thriller conventions, even if these two strands of its makeup never sit entirely comfortably against each other. there's little that hasn't been seen in the films of other European socio-realist directors (i kept thinking of Ulrich seidl, Clio Bernard and Brno Dumont as well as tiny bit of ken loach, though this has little of loach's generosity or compassion) but the Wolfe's obviously know a thing or two about gut-piercing drama, they just stick too conveniently to the surface of the subject they are focusing on. it feels a little too easy to take such a sensitive subject and treat it merely as thriller fodder. yes it has some sensitive scenes, and the last scene is almost unbearable to watch (i left feeling scarred) but it is also just reveling in ethnic stereotypes in how there is not one redeemable Asian man on screen. so while you could say there are no redeeming men of any background on screen (or that it is not the job of every film to deal with this, but i would say for a film tackling this subject, and a group who are routinely represented poorly in the mainstream, it is an important detail, esp when there have been very few films dealing with these themes - catch me daddy seems close to becoming exploitation, albeit dressed up in art-house clothing), the older white bounty hunter at least appears to care somewhat, as does the white boyfriend. does it drive home the absolute horror of the situation as it should? yes. but it also relishes that horror a little too uneasily/problematically. it is essentially just reinforcing the audience's preconceived notions of Pakistani/south Asian communities, with Asian men as brutes, white men as saviours, Asian girls as victims, with little to challenge or colour around that - so while the film might appear superficially bold, its also somewhat thin on understanding its subject beyond very basic circumstances. but i imagine the Wolfe's would make good British genre movie makers, which the UK could probably do with more of. they're great filmmakers, I'm just not sure if they are particularly mature as storytellers.
Greekguy The story, torn straight from the newspapers, is simple - a young Pakistani woman is on the run from her family. Sabeena Jabeen Ahmed, who plays Laila, the object of pursuit, is terrific in this role, delivering a thoroughly believable and moving portrayal, and her co-star, Connor McCarron is equally spot-on as a young man in love and in over his head.The achievements of the cast are matched by the excellence in direction; this is a film that keeps the viewer both involved and anxious. Between moments of sheer suspense and genuine menace there are snippets of beauty and, on occasion, the kind of incidental humour that is found in everyday life. All in all, this is an exceptional first feature film from the happily talented Wolfe Brothers