Carry Me Home
Carry Me Home
| 13 December 2004 (USA)
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A widow named Harriet and her two children Carrie and Brian are living in rural New York in 1947 and are still recovering from the death of Harriet's husband killed in World War II. Carrie is a tomboy and hangs around with boys and they have their own clubhouse. Carrie and her friends make mischief and taunt their mentally challenged neighbor Charlie by stealing one of his puppies. Harriet meets a man named Bernard and begin a courtship, but Carrie is furious that her mother is dating Bernard and wants it to stop. The jealousy and anger of Carrie raises to a fever pitch when Carrie and her friends destroy their neighbor Mr. Grizzle's garden and pour sugar into his tractor. Grizzle then takes Charlie's other puppies away from him and then Grizzle's barn is destroyed by fire. Carrie learns it's time for her to grow up and make amends with her mother and her neighbors for the grief and pain she caused them.

Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Kailansorac Clever, believable, and super fun to watch. It totally has replay value.
Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
Paynbob It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Shannon Cila Based on glowing reviews from a friend that this was a sad, but good, "Christian" movie, I let my 11-year old daughter watch this without first watching it myself- BIG MISTAKE. She came in my room after watching it, deeply traumatized and sobbing uncontrollably.Can anyone clue me in on why it's called "Carry Me Home?" Is it just a play on words for the main character's name? Or is it supposed to imply some uplifting theme? I'm not seeing it.Turns out the entire movie is a long string of awful events (dad dies in the war, mom dates a new man, neighbor's parents are drunks, Charlie is abused by Grizzle, forced to sleep in a barn, Charlie gruesomely bloodies up half his face, Grizzle killed Charlie's mother, Grizzle steals Charlie's puppies, Grizzle claims to be a Christian *nice bit of subtle Christian-bashing there*, Bernard shoots Grizzle with a gun, Carrie adds to Charlie's misery by stealing his puppy and taunting him, Charlie gets sent to a foster home in the end and can't take the one surviving puppy....) climaxing with the burning of a box of cute little puppies in a barn.... Wonderful story line! Why not add feeding those kids a big lump of frozen poison and forcing them to clean the streets with their tongues at midnight (ten minutes before bedtime) every night while you're at it? Why anyone would give this flick anything more than one star is beyond me.
jotix100 This television movie made for Showtime looked promising. After all, the principals in the cast have done good work in the past. Unfortunately, "Carry me Home", as written by Christopher Fay is a formula for disaster. As directed by Jace Alexander, the film leaves a lot to be desired. Mr. Alexander failure seem to be in the casting of Ashley Rose Orr for the pivotal role of Carrie.The film is atmospheric. It takes us back to that time right after WWII where the man of the household we are taken to, didn't make it back. His widow, Harriet, a lovely young woman has to put her sewing skills to work in order to feed her family. The two children are into getting into all kinds of mischief. Carrie, perhaps blaming the world for taking her father, takes aim at Charlie, a mentally challenged young man who lives nearby. When she and her pals steal one of his puppies, he goes berserk, knowing Carrie is responsible for it. The girl shows no remorse until is too late.At the same time, a gentleman caller appears in the picture. Bernard, the nephew of one of Harriet's clients comes to meet the family. He likes what he sees, but Carrie and her brother don't care for him, or what he means. Bernard, who is clearly interested in marrying Harriet, wants to get along with the two children, but they never take to him.The film ends in a horrific note as Charlie, who knows Grizzle wants to sell the farm, and who has stolen three of his prize puppies, rescues them, but an enraged Grizzle comes after him provoking a fire in the barn where he lives. Charlie survives, but he is taken away to be in an institution. As he is leaving, Carrie's conscience starts playing tricks on her as she realizes what she has done to this simple man.Penelope Ann Miller is good as Harriet. Kevin Anderson overdoes his Charlie to the point of being a caricature. David Alan Basche, who plays the gentleman caller, Bernard, is effective in his role. Jane Alexander appears in only one scene. The director couldn't get good acting out of Ashley Rose Orr, who perhaps was too inexperienced for the role.The production had a sort of Hallmark Card flavor and it will no doubt resonate with some viewers.
TxMike DVD from my public library. Digital 5.1 sound, but was not done very well. Picture was just OK for DVD.Penelope Ann Miller has always been a favorite of mine, and here she stars as Harriet, a war widow in 1949 rural NY, with two young children. But it is more the story of her daughter Carrie (Ashley Rose Orr, talented kid who reminds one of a young Tatum O'Neal) who will not let loose of dad, wears his dog tags, and sometimes his army clothes. She also runs with the guys and is the only girl in the club. This is her growing up story.Kevin Anderson plays a mildly retarded Charlie who lives near. He is a kind soul but the kids make fun of him, and play dastardly jokes on him, some destructive. But that's they way kids are, they don't often think of the broader consequences of their actions.Harriet is a dressmaker and one of her clients tries to matchmake with a generally pretty good catch, but Carrie resents any man intruding on her life.Overall a marginal movie, but Penelope Ann Miller is good as the mom, and little Ashley Rose is superb as the daughter.SPOILERS. In the end the kids' practical jokes end up destructive, there is a fire, a shooting, but all survive. As Charlie is being taken to a home which is more suitable, Carrie realizes all the harm she has participated in, runs to tell Charlie she is sorry. Mom's suitor turns out to have a fatal flaw, he isn't caring enough about the downtrodden, mom has to turn down his proposal, but mom and daughter bond.
canefenterprises I agree with stingseven. This movie is great, and very original I must say. I highly recommended it! Ashley Rose Orr is so good as Carry, she plays the part so good! She'll make you wonder what's wrong with her. She'll make you cry a great deal at the end too. She's able to transmit the emotions beautifully. Penelope Ann Miller was very good too, she plays the role of the widow who is trying to raise her children on her own while others try to intervene in her personal relations. Then there's this poor man that the kids keep playing tricks on him, is so unfair because he's a good guy. But you can see how at the end there are humans with a good heart.