| 27 August 1988 (USA)
Carpenter Trailers

A carpenter, who was executed in the electric chair, comes back to finish his dream house, now inhabited by a young married couple.

FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Micransix Crappy film
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Suman Roberson It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
Leofwine_draca THE CARPENTER is an oddball little horror film of the 1980s given a new lease of life on DVD by Code Red. It's a cheap Canadian effort that nonetheless has a unique and odd little feel to it, a dream-like atmosphere you don't often see at this budget in this genre. The plot is reminscient of TRULY, MADLY, DEEPLY, albeit with a murderous slant. A crazy young woman moves into a house which is being renovated and soon encounters Wings Hauser, the titular character, who is doing up her basement. The only problem is that a) he's a ghost, and b) he's a murderer. A string of cheesy power tool-assisted death scenes follows, hardly convincing, but mildly amusing for the horror lover. The acting is of a variably standard but Hauser is fun in a kooky way and the running time is too brief for this to outstay its welcome.
kclipper Here's your typical 1980's direct-to-video B-movie strictly for genre fans. A married couple move into a home that is under renovation not knowing that its haunted by the ghost of a maniacal carpenter (Wings Hauser). Unstable wife, Alice encounters the strong and confident Mr. Fix-it, and as soon as he starts murdering all of the antagonists in her life, including her cheating husband, she begins to fall in love with his devilish charm and demeanor. Its an average at best Canadian slasher story only worth seeing for one of Wings Hauser's intense and erratic performances. The murderous handyman constantly spews out dialog about old-fashioned "working man" values that make the plot seem disjointed and confused. Murders include: Arms amputated by circular saw, power drill to the chest, nail gun shots, head in a vice,...etc. Gore fans, don't get too excited. This is only slightly bloody unlike the "uncut" rating suggests, and the ending is silly and predicable.
Lukeydude-1 Yeah, yeah, I know. Buying "The Carpenter" was all my fault, and I shouldn't have harbored the expectations that I did. I accept that. I'm not trying to blame anyone else for my misguided foul-ups. I do reserve the right, however, to curse the studio and all it represents for the various cinematic disappointments that are simply inexcusable.The movie seemed interesting enough to me. A mysterious carpenter continues to appear in the, quote, "delirious dead of night," gruesomely eliminating any man or woman that causes the house owner grief. Yeah, yeah, great stuff.The movie delivered, but only on certain levels. Yes, the carpenter showed up. And yes, the night always seemed slightly delirious. And you know what? There were even a number of original, if uninspired, death scenes. Great, great stuff.Upon closer inspection, however, several glaring mistakes made themselves all too real.Firstly, what's the deal with Wings Hauser? You've got one of the greatest character actors ever to grace the screen, and you waste his talent in such a visually lusterless role? Yeah yeah, I know. Wings Hauser sucks. Character actor? He's hardly an actor. The point I'm trying to make is that he needed to be dressed like a ghoul to make this flick a little more aesthetically appealing.Secondly, and perhaps decisively, there's no nudity. I'm sorry, what? That's right, no nudity. There are two or three women in the film, but none strip down like they're supposed to. Several times we're offered some sort of teaser, but they never amount to anything. The very element that could have made this film is completely ignored, and "Carpenter" suffers for it.Because of these simple mistakes, "The Carpenter" dawdles more in the twisted-romantic-drama genre and less in ceaseless, mind-numbing, bad horror like it was meant to. Sad. Very sad.Ah well. Rent it anyway. It seems that if I can get other people to watch this crap, my life seems less desperate and lonely.
HumanoidOfFlesh "The Carpenter" is certainly more intelligent than many horror films out there,but it's also so mediocre.The plot is quite interesting,but the pace is rather slow and the film becomes quickly dull.There is a good deal of splatter and some gruesome killings,but really this one isn't worth your time.4 out of 10-not a classic by any means,just another mediocre Canadian horror.