Can I Do It Till I Need Glasses?
Can I Do It Till I Need Glasses?
R | 01 August 1977 (USA)
Can I Do It Till I Need Glasses? Trailers

A comedy comprised of short sexually suggestive skits.

Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
gridoon2018 to the level of wit on which this comedy operates. Barely even reaching feature length, "Can I Do It....'Till I Need Glasses" is a collection of (mostly) dirty jokes. Many of them are so short that you can't believe it when you realize that THAT was supposed to be the punchline (example: the Santa Claus gag); others are so long that you can't believe it when you realize that they needed so much time to set up THAT punchline (example: the students' awards gag). And nearly all are directed without any artistry. Don't get me wrong: about 1 every 10 jokes actually manages to be funny (the iron / phone one is probably my favorite). There is also some wonderful full-frontal nudity that proves, yet again, that the female body, especially in its natural form, is the best thing on this planet (there is some comedic male nudity as well). And I agree with others that the intentionally stupid title song is actually pretty damn catchy! But none of those reasons are enough to give this film anything more than * out of 4.
wjbrocker While the first film, "If You Don't Stop It...You'll Go Blind", was very funny, "Can I Do It 'Till I Need Glasses?" is far superior. As a movie junkie, I have had the privilege of seeing all THREE versions of this film in the theater. THREE versions, you say? How can THAT be?? Version #1: The original had none of the sketches that Robin Williams did. It DID, however, have three sketches by the comedy duo of Roger & Roger as the "Lone Stranger & Pronto." Version #2: The first re-release of the film had Robin Williams hyped as a featured player, although he only appeared in TWO sketches! A total rip-off! Not only that, but two of the original sketches were deleted from Version #2 to make room for the Robin Williams sketches. One of them was the third & final "Lone Stranger & Pronto" sketch. Version #3: After threats of lawsuits from Robin Williams (and others, possibly), the movie was again released in theaters without the Robin Williams sketches, but the two deleted original sketches were NOT included!! An even BIGGER rip-off!!The first "Lone Stranger & Pronto" sketch was described by Theo Robertson in the User Comments, so I don't have to mention that. The 2nd sketch had The Lone Stranger in a saloon telling the bartender about the rattlesnake bite, how Pronto left him to die, and how he survived (that can still be seen). Here is the third, "Lost", sketch. The announcer states that The Lone Stranger has forgiven Pronto and are back together again. Hiding behind boulders, they are beset by large tribes of attacking Indians. The Lone Stranger points out the various tribes (using stock Western footage) charging from all sides. He then sees smoke signals, and asks Pronto to interpret them. After a few seconds, Pronto tells The Lone Stranger that the smoke signals say, "You going to DIE Kimmasabe!!" He then stands up an starts giving hand-signs to the attacking Indians(the Peace sign, the raised Power fist) while saying things like, "Don't shoot! Me Soul Brother! Peace, brother!", etc. FUNNY!! And LOST forever, unless the producers have the courage to release it on DVD. Just think; They could release it with ALL the sketches restored, including the lost sketches! Come on,guys! Other old movies are being revitalized, why not YOUR two masterpieces??
Theo Robertson I saw this when I was sixteen years old and perhaps this was the reason I found this sketch based film so very amusing and I can still remember some of the sketches more than half a lifetime ago Man in nudist colony with back to camera hands two female nudists two cups " Coffee ? " " Thank you " " Donuts ? " " Thank you " Guess where the donuts are being kept ? Ha Ha Ha . That sums up the level of humour and my favourite joke involved the Lone Ranger who is bitten by a rattlesnake while urinating ( Guess what part of his anatomy got bitten ? ) so sends Tonto to get medical help . He manages to go into town a find a doctor who tells him that the only way to treat snakebite is " to suck out the poison " so Tonto goes back to find find The Lone Ranger :" What did he say " Tonto sees his friend lying in sheer agony : " He said ssss , he said sss , he said you're going to die Kemosabi " When asked most fans of this movie will admit the bus sketch is their favourite moment where a man sits on a crowded bus reading a porn mag . He unzips his pants and starts to masturbate . Yeah I know it's crude and near the knuckle even if the camera is locked onto a medium shot of the man's face but the joke works because it becomes long running . After the initial scene it cuts away to several more sketched then returns to the man who is more and more excited at pleasuring himself . Cut away to a couple more sketches then back to the bus which has now stopped with most of the passengers running out screaming . Back to a couple of more sketches then back to the bus with an overly excited man then back to the bus where he reaches a climax . In a state of sexual relief he pulls out a packet of ciggies and sticks one in his mouth . Thoughtfully he turns to the one remaining passenger on the bus , a priest and asks " Excuse me father do you mind if I smoke ? " The picture freezes and a caption and voice over is played - " You meet the nicest people on a bus " Hey guys I saw this when I was sixteen . Don't blame if me if CAN DO IT TILL I NEED GLASSES hasn't dated well
emm Those skit-style comedy movies have been my personal favorites, and this is one of them, combining a variety show such as HEE HAW with MAD Magazine. I could not recognize Robin Williams throughout the entire program, and where did he come from? Well, you will certainly enjoy this one IF you are addicted to X-rated movies. If not, then you're not ready for this. The jokes are pretty outrageous if you can take them seriously. Watch the scene where a pervert rides on a bus and you'll get the idea! My biggest complaint is that it's way too racy and raunchy for my liking, which makes THE GROOVE TUBE (funnier!) and THE SEX O' CLOCK NEWS (not very funny!) mild in comparison. Be cautious when checking this title out!