| 25 November 1994 (USA)
Camilla Trailers

Freda Lopez, an aspiring musician, travels with her husband to the beautiful beaches of Georgia where she befriends Camilla, an odd and exotic elderly woman who plays the violin. When the two embark on a journey together, Camilla reclaims a lost love and makes peace with herself and her son, while Freda discovers inner resources she never knew she had.

Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
ruthierocks Camilla is an adorable road film, combining a perfect mixture of drama, romance, and some comedy thrown in for good measure. It's a surprise for me to see so few reviews on this lovely little film. The film is about people, their relationships, and their passions. It's a fascinating character study of a young couple and an elderly woman who all need a little bit of a vacation from life.Bridget Fonda plays Freda Lopez, a young, married woman who dreams of musical stardom. She plays guitar and sings, but she's had to put this passion on the back burner in order to support her husband Vince (Elias Koteas). The two of them have just moved south and into a small house next to an old woman named Camilla (Jessica Tandy, in one of her last roles). Camilla is also a musician – she used to play violin and, according to her stories, was quite famous on tour. Freda immediately connects with Camilla and begins to spend time getting to know and talking to the woman. At the same time, her husband is spending time with Camilla's son Harold (Maury Chaykin), who swears that his mother is senile and needs to be put into a home. When Vince announces that he's going to Canada for a work related trip that he's received thanks to Harold, Freda refuses to go with him. This causes a fight between the couple. Vince and Harold go alone. With the men gone, Freda and Camilla decide to take a little trip of their own. They head to Canada to see a violin concerto. When the men get back, they must follow their hearts to find the women.The acting is superb here. I've always liked Bridget Fonda and I wish she would get back on the screen. She is simply adorable here. Freda is a good character: she's strong willed, knows what she believes in, but has a little self discovering to do. Bridget Fonda is excellent in this role. I couldn't imagine anyone else doing a better job. Elias Koteas, who is always wonderful, is equally good as her husband. He's not given a lot to do here, but he plays it the best he can given the material. As Camilla's son, Maury Chaykin is very effective. He embodies the angry Harold perfectly. The real standout here, though, is Jessica Tandy. It's easy to see that, even as an old woman, she was confident enough in herself to play this role as if she were young – even doing a nude scene! Camilla is a great character – she's funny, sweet, and extremely sharp for her age. Jessica Tandy is perfect here.The film is a little predictable, but it's still very sweet. It provides several laughs and shows a realistic relationship between an elderly woman and a younger, more composed version of herself. It's a story about life, love, and how we as humans sometimes have the wrong priorities in life. Camilla is an easy film to watch – a nice, light film that can easily entertain and lift a person's spirits. With good acting, a sweet story, and a nice message, Camilla is an underrated gem of a film that should be appreciated more than it is.8/10
xredgarnetx Jessica Tandy and Bridget Fonda costar as two alike souls who embark on a quirky road trip in CAMILLA. Camilla is Tandy's name in the movie, and unfortunately this was the great actress' last film. She looks terrific for a woman her age, and effortlessly steals every scene she's in. Fonda plays a footloose musician paired up with a Canadian guy (Elias Koteas) who ends up going off with a soft-porn filmmaker on business, leaving Fonda in Georgia with the guy's mom (Tandy), who is slightly addled and evidently was a famous violin player in her time. The gals decide to take a ride to see a Brahms concert in Toronto, but quickly lose their car and have a series of silly adventures along the way, including running into to car thief and all-around nut job Graham Greene. Meanwhile, Camilla's son (Maury Chaykin) becomes convinced his mom has been kidnapped. All ends well, with a surprise appearance by Tandy's real-life husband Hume Cronyn playing an old flame. The last shot shows Tandy playing the violin on the beach. A pleasant little movie, even if it is a chick flick.
TxMike This was Jessica Tandy's last movie, and even as an 80-something was lovely and sexy enough to do a nude skinny-dipping scene in the Atlantic off Georgia. Her foil was played by Bridget Fonda, and the main of the story is the two of them taking off to go back to Toronto to hear a Brahms violin concerto while Tandy's son and Fonda's husband are out of town on business. A highlight was a scene near the end when Camilla met up with her old boyfriend, played by her real husband, Hume Cronyn, and there is something very special seeing two actors who have been married for over 50 years do a romantic scene. Critic Ebert has a fairly accurate review, but I believe is overly harsh in his analysis of it being too contrived. The film was meant to be funny, with Camilla making up these grand stories and her flustered son trying to find out where she had run off to. All she wanted was to get back to her old Russian boyfriend. I would recommned this film to anyone who likes a "character" film. It felt more like they were allowing us, the audience, to enter in and become a part of their lives.
Vertigo-27 A gem of a movie! Jessica Tandy's Last screen credit, is yet another winning performance. Sweet and pleasant movie, never awarded the attention it deserved, however somehow to the average viewer it is not that memorable.Dealing with just a so-so story-line that is very soft and mellow. It won't be hard to like this movie, if you can acually find it at the video store. Tandy and Fonda work well together, but watch this one for Tandy's sake, she is a film legend, and deserves this one on us!
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