Call Me Lucky
Call Me Lucky
| 07 August 2015 (USA)
Call Me Lucky Trailers

An inspiring, triumphant and wickedly funny portrait of one of comedy’s most enigmatic and important figures, CALL ME LUCKY tells the story of Barry Crimmins, a beer-swilling, politically outspoken and whip-smart comic whose efforts in the 70s and 80s fostered the talents of the next generation of standup comedians. But beneath Crimmins’ gruff, hard-drinking, curmudgeonly persona lay an undercurrent of rage stemming from his long-suppressed and horrific abuse as a child – a rage that eventually found its way out of the comedy clubs and television shows and into the political arena.

Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Linbeymusol Wonderful character development!
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Kayden This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama
bettycjung 3/15/18. Wow, what a biopic! Never heard of him but now that I have watched this I will never forget him. A caustic, sarcastic comedian who had a good reason for being that way - he was sexually abused when he was a small child. Eventually he took all that energy and channeled it into activism against Internet child porn. More than anything he raised awareness of how prevalent child molestation is, and it's scary. Parents, protect your children!
Larry Silverstein This raw and explicit documentary, directed by Bobcat Goldthwait, is not for the faint of heart and certainly not for everyone. It traces the life and career of the acerbic, rageful, and cynical comic Barry Crimmins, who has now become a leading children's rights and safety advocate.Early on in the movie, Crimmins sets the tone by stating his two main goals, that of overthrowing the U.S. government and closing the Catholic Church, and as the film progress we find out why he feels this way. The doc traces Crimmins' early years in Skaneateles, New York where he began his comic career, to his move to Boston where he established a comedy club in the Chinese restaurant The Ding Ho, that eventually became a breeding ground for many known comics of today.About halfway through the movie, it takes a radical shift relating a 1992 monologue where Crimmins graphically revealed for the first time in public his horrific sexual abuse when he was a child. This led to a tireless effort, often at the expense of his own health, to be an advocate for children's safety.These were the very early days of the Internet, and Crimmins discovered in some AOL chatrooms vile and disgusting transmissions of child pornography, and devoted much of his energy to try and get AOL to close them down, to no avail. At the time apparently, this was still regarded by some as a free speech issue and not criminal activity like it is today.This was demonstrated in the film, by a Senate Judiciary hearing where Crimmins was invited to testify. He was able to confront the smarmy Asst. General Counsel of AOL, and state his case to a panel of Senators who embarrassingly professed their ignorance of what the Internet even was. Of course today, child pornography has become a severely prosecuted crime in the United States.In summary, although certainly not for everyone this explicit documentary was one I took a lot from, led by Crimmins' deep seeded attempts to battle some powerful evils in society, and maintaining his integrity while doing just that.
wobbly33 Barry Crimmins is not a well-known comedian outside of Boston and New York. But he is a legend among comics, including many legendary comics. His highly intelligent and hard-charging style, lashing out at greedy and inhumane politics, puts him in the ranks of Lenny Bruce, George Carlin, and Bill Hicks. He also helped mentor a roster of comics like Denis Leary, Stephen Wright, Tom Kenny, Paula Poundstone, and Lenny Clarke. He also mentored Bobcat Goldthwait, who directs this simple yet emotionally packed biography that explains not only who Crimmins is, but how he came to be. This is not a "how did he get to be so funny?" or "the greatest (blank) you've never heard of" fluff piece. This is a very gritty, sometimes very dark look at the horrors Crimmins endured as a child, and how he turned his suffering into a lifelong mission to help those victimized by man's inhumanity to man. His compassion permeates his actions, even as he takes the microphone at a Senate hearing on child pornography and uses it to (figuratively) beat a suit from AOL into submission. The result is an emotional wringer that will take you from belly laughs to gut-punched. See this film.
sdwalker-76758 I felt as if I held my breath the entire length of the movie. Great historical footage, interviews and first person stories of the day. The life of a man who had to overcome trauma and pain. A man whose talents seemed wrong place, wrong time but who never compromised his principles. Touching, poignant and all of it true. The story follows Barry's career through the comedy scene of the 80's, up and down the east coast. His comedy reaches a deep lace inside, things that everyone can relate to from that era. His childhood was stolen from him. He struggled for decades. Came to terms and was able to move on. I loved this movie. It is astounding that his core group of friends were able to share stories from 40 years ago. Barry was there for up and coming young comics and many got their start in the business from him. Many familiar names in this story. I will see it again with friends.