Caged Terror (Golden Apples of the Sun)
Caged Terror (Golden Apples of the Sun)
| 06 June 1973 (USA)
Caged Terror (Golden Apples of the Sun) Trailers

Behind these bars lies an unbridled fury. Caged Terror-a tale of madness, infidelity and revenge. Everyone needs to get away from it all, and the country is the most tranquil place to escape life's everyday battles. Or is it? Richard and Janet, a city couple, find that just the opposite is true as their weekend getaway is transformed into a frightening and primitive wilderness. Camping for the night in a seemingly abandoned farmhouse, the two are suddenly joined by strangers who have been secretly watching them all afternoon. Strangers who will soon cage Richard like a trapped animal and ravage his wife. Strangers who will drive Richard berserk in the cold and inhuman isolation of Caged Terror.

Cebalord Very best movie i ever watch
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
anxietyresister I can only echo what everybody else here has already said, in that this is one of the most pointless releases ever to see the inside of the cinema. We have a couple of hippies who obviously love each other very much, since they seem to spend every waking hour together talking gobble-de-gook ( about life and the trees, man!), catching fish and prancing about the countryside naked. This goes on for the first hour of the movie, with no respite whatsoever. How on earth did they manage to get funding for such a worthless premise? This is like seeing somebody's boring camcorder holiday videos.. only this time you have to pay for the privilege. Then we get lots of tinkly folk music complete with stock footage of the great outdoors, as the audience slowly loses the will to live.For those who can last the pace (HOW?!) we finally have a bit of excitement in the final reel as the bloke is tied up in the chicken coop(Yipe!) by a couple of hoodlums intent on kidnapping his girl. Can he get free and rescue her? Or will he be killed by their dreadful guitar-strumming first? Quite frankly, who gives a monkey's. Next up: The director, 30 years on, tries to escape the clutches of an angry patron who wants to take out 80 minutes of wasted time on his head. Now THAT would be a sequel worth seeing.. 0/10
lonewolf82000 When I watched this film the first time, it was a taped copy and the title was/is Caged Terror. I still own the tape, and I confess, I've watched it more than once from beginning to end! The film is extremely low budget and the dialogue is often unintentionally amusing! I have gotten a few of my friends to watch this and we've had some great laughs from the terrible script. The film concerns a couple, (remember this is like early 70's so they are just too hip man!) who go on a week-end camping trip in what I believe was supposed to be upstate NY. They have some hilarious dialogue after catching and eating a fish and the girl bemoans the death of the fish and that they ate it! The guy comes back with something goofy about how they ate the fish and now it was a part of them, and he goes; "And that's beautiful man!" Heavy man, really heavy! LOL! Anyway, along come a couple of Vietnam vets, one of who plays the flute, I believe. (At any rate they are musical fellows!) The guys are clearly attracted to the girl and when the couple prove unfriendly, they end up terrorizing them during the night. The guy ends up caged in a chicken coop, and has to watch his girl friend being ravished by the two guys. Actually, by the end of the night, she seems to be pretty into it, and when morning comes, the guys leave and the girl and guy are free to leave. Supposedly the guy has learned a lesson about how to treat people, and the girl has a smile on her face! :) Anyway, I would recommend this film highly to anyone looking for a damn good laugh! It never fails to amuse me anyway! If I could find this on DVD and replace my old tape copy, I'd actually buy it again, it's classic camp! You gotta love this stuff!
MaGuFu_Day I saw this movie a couple years back. I could'nt sleep and there was nothing on. So I peeped it. What really gets me is it makes no sense and thats why its disturbing. Richard gets tied up in chicken wire and Jarvis starts making out with Richard's girl while she's unconscious. Then Jarvis's buddy Troubador is playing some stupid song on his guitar. By the next morning it shows Richard's girl talking to Jarvis and Trouby and then she walks back to Richard and looks at him while he's still tied up. Then they play some happy music and the movie is finished. I mean what happened? Did they brake up? And what was she saying to those 2 guys(Trouby and Jarvis)? Its to puzzling and to poor to. I can't stand movies that are disturbing and don't make sense. This was the worst film i've ever seen since the 90's version of Lord of the Flies.
Sarienne This film turned up on local TV here in South Africa recently and I thought that I'd warn even those who enjoy watching B grade bad movies (which I do)that this is not even amusing. The plot concerns a couple visiting a house in the country. Some strangers appear and .... The problem is that most of the film, obviously shot in the early seventies, consists of extreme wide shots of people walking, in real time and awfully slowly, from A to B. This makes the film tedious in the extreme and the expected blood and gore payoff just never happens. I am really curious - how many people have actually watched this from beginning to end?
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