Caged Heat
Caged Heat
R | 19 April 1974 (USA)
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A young woman is convicted on drug offenses and sent to a women's penitentiary run by a repressed and oppressive female warden. When the prison's sadistic doctor begins conducting illegal "therapeutic" experiments on the inmates, the ladies plot their revenge.

Console best movie i've ever seen.
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Tymon Sutton The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
flakelviv You must watch Caged Heat (1974) at least to realize that a person who directed The Silence of the Lambs (1991) could also direct THIS.
Uriah43 For a low-budget women-in-prison (WIP) movie this particular film wasn't that bad. Essentially, "Jacqueline Wilson" (Erica Gavin) is arrested after a scene involving a shootout with the police and is sent to a women's prison ostensibly somewhere in California. While there she meets several other female inmates most notably "Pandora" (Ella Reid), "Belle Tyson" (Roberta Collins) and "Maggie" (Juanita Brown). She also meets the warden "Superintendent McQueen" (Barbara Steele) who takes a sadistic approach to any infractions of the rules. Along with that there is also a psychotic doctor named "Dr. Randolph" (Warren Miller) who is even more demented. At any rate, while I certainly liked the presence of Roberta Collins and to a lesser extent Erica Gavin I didn't think that the talents of Barbara Steele were used as effectively as they could have been. Neither did I care for some of the cartoonish aspects in regard to Dr. Randolph. But all in all, this movie wasn't nearly as bad as it could have been. But other than Roberta Collins I didn't see that much to be impressed with either. Slightly below average.
Ben Larson As the director of such films as The Silence of the Lambs, Philadelphia, and Rachel Getting Married, director Jonathan Demme has garnered a basket-load of nominations, and a few awards including an Oscar. Everyone has to start somewhere, and this is his directorial debut.The film features Barbara Steele, the star of the Italian horror masterpiece, Black Sunday, as the prison superintendent. The rest of the cast were either novices, or veterans of B movie films like Vixen or Beyond the Valley of the Dolls.Not the most exciting dialog, but plenty of boobage, and one really crazy doctor.
PWT20 First of all, I was expecting "Caged Heat" to be along the same lines as "Ilsa, The Wicked Warden". Boy, was I wrong! In no way is this film 70s exploitation, "chix in chains", or "women in prison". Sure, the plot consists of a bunch of women in prison, who wear street clothes btw (quite comical), but NOTHING happens.There aren't strong rivalries, no one tries to seduce the warden or doctor in order to try and escape, and no inmates make out. There are 2 shower scenes, that I suspect is just recycled footage, but no fights breaks out / no one is seduced here - or anywhere for that matter! Aside from the lack of plot, unconvincing, unsympathetic, and flat characters, a couple of inmates that do manage to escape actually return to the prison in order to "free" their fellow inmates??!!PUH-LEASE, the movie should have just ended off with the escapees riding off into the opposed to letting this mess continue!I feel scammed.