R | 02 September 1983 (USA)
Deathstalker Trailers

The warrior Deathstalker is tasked by an old witch lady to obtain and unite the three powers of creation - a chalice, an amulet, and a sword - lest the evil magician Munkar get them and use them for nefarious purposes. After obtaining the sword, Deathstalker joins with other travelers going to the Big Tournament to determine the strongest warrior. The false king holds the true princess in captivity, and plots to have Deathstalker killed, and Deathstalker must fight to free the princess.

CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Beystiman It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
Merolliv I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.
Bea Swanson This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
dworldeater Deathstalker is Roger Corman's effort to cash in on the success of Conan The Barbarian and The Sword And The Sorcerer. Deathstalker is not close to the same quality or class of film as the aforementioned classics. However, being a cheap imitation of the movies previously mentioned, I still enjoy it. Deathstalker is also the name of our shirtless, muscle bound hero(played by Richard Hill)who enters a tournament to liberate the kingdom from evil wizard Munkar(who looks a lot like Church Of Satan founder Anton Lavey). This awesomely bad, ultra cheesy and uber macho adventure film is action packed with lots of blood and titties. However, if you play for the other team (and you know what I mean) Roger Corman has you covered with lots of homoerotic action with oiled up, shirtless musclemen wrestling each other. While I am sure Deathstalker has a few female fans, it wasn't made with them in mind. The film itself, looks pretty good with good photography, f/x and action. The acting for the most part is pretty bad and is very poorly edited. It seems some scenes are lost that would have made the film make more sense. However, this film is a low budget production shot quickly and cheaply. Out of the four Deathstalker films, this one is taken the most seriously and has the largest budget. I love the film and is great, over the top entertainment. The film does deliver on brutality and gore plus Playboy centerfold models Lana Clarkson and Barbi Benton appear displaying their big and beautiful bazookas. The other films in this series get cheaper and campier as they go and Richard Hill only appears as Deathstalker in the first and last film. If you are real into D+D and/or power metal, you will probably think this movie is the best thing since sliced bread.
Scott LeBrun Entertainingly silly and tacky low budget sword and sorcery feature, one of Roger Cormans' "Conan the Barbarian" derivations. Beefy blonde Rick Hill plays the title role, a lone wolf warrior assigned a very special mission by old witch woman Toralva (Veronica Llinas). He's to gather a chalice, an amulet, and a sword. Should the nefarious wizard Munkar (Bernard Erhard) get his greedy hands on these items, he will have unlimited power. Deathstalker joins with other characters such as Kaira (Lana Clarkson) and Oghris (Richard Brooker) on the journey to a tournament overseen by Munkar to determine who is the mightiest of all.Joining in the fun are Barbi Benton as Princess Codille and Victor Bo as the villainous Kang. Hill, not surprisingly, is rather stiff as an "actor", but he certainly does look his part. Gorgeous ladies Benton and Clarkson are outstanding scenery attractions. Erhard is a predictably theatrical bad guy, and is rather striking what with his bald, tattooed head. Brooker, best known as Jason in "Friday the 13th Part III", was also the stunt coordinator and is pretty engaging in the role of the easygoing Oghris. The rousing music score is courtesy of Oscar Cardozo Ocampo, and the location filming in Argentina is sufficient.Adequately directed and produced by James Sbardellati, "Deathstalker" does earn some points for presentation even if the script by Howard R. Cohen isn't too hot. This is definitely a fantasy film for adults, with a lot of breasts bared by our female cast members, and a generous dose of splatter. There are also some pretty amusing makeup effects done by John Carl Buechler. The "pig man" is a hoot!This is all enjoyable enough; it kills 80 minutes in capably raunchy fashion.Seven out of 10.
Legato Bluesummers (exendu) The makers of this movie gave absolutely ZERO F**ks, and i respect that. Kill the bad guys, Save the girls, pretty straightforward and fun. Good guy is a blank slate easy to identify with and the bad guy is a good and easy target to hate. lots of random careless nudity and plenty of 'classy' one liners. It's nothing to write home about certainly but those of you who like the 80's metal movies like Conan will love it. pretty basic as far as plot and story line but that's nothing you won't expect from the poster. I think it has great potential as a background movie for any good D&D campaign or reckless party. Epic Metal Movie, get drunk and enjoy
Witchfinder General 666 ...Or, more precisely, so bad that you are going to have the time of your life laughing your ass off when you watch it! James Sbardellati's "Deathstalker" of 1983 is certainly one of the most awful productions the Sword & Sorcery sub-genre has brought along, but it is highly amusing. The acting is terrible, the plot is pure crap, and the effects and photography couldn't be more amateurish. But it is the bad acting, the cheesy effects, and the many errors, that makes this movie so hilarious.SPOILERS AHEAD -Deathstalker (Rick Hill) is an extremely strong and skilled warrior. One day, a good witch tasks him to unite the three powers of chaos and creation, a sword, an amulet and a chalice, in order to free the country from its brutal ruler, the evil king and sorcerer Munkar. Obtaining the sword is quite easy, but the amulet and the chalice are in Munkar's possession. Fortunately, the evil king has arranged a tournament in which the county's most skilled warriors fight each other until death. The winner is then to take the king's place. Of course, the king doesn't want anybody to take his place, an therefore he has planned to kill the winner (instead of just not arranging the tournament in the first place). Deathstalker is not only to obtain the the three powers of creation, but also to save the old, good king's gorgeous daughter (Barbi Benton) from the claws of evil Munkar. Luckily, he doesn't get bored on his way to the tournament, since he is allowed hump the gorgeous female warrior Kaira (Lana Clarkson) in the meantime...The film has many great, incredibly stupid and funny scenes. Some of my favorite scenes include: Deathstalker beheads a bad guy with his sword. The head that falls down, however, is not that guy's head. The falling head has a red goatee, while the guy beheaded by Deathstalker had dark hair and no beard.When the character of female warrior Kaira (Lana Clarkson) is introduced, she is first seen in a black robe, hiding her face and body. Deathstalker's traveling companion Oghris (Richard Brooker) fights her, and during the sword fight her robe (under which she is, of course topless) opens, exposing her breasts. Her breasts are the first thing we see of Lana Clarkson, even before her face.The last warrior Deathstalker has to fight in the tournament, is a giant guy with the body of a man and the head of a pig.Evil Munkar has an ugly little creature locked in a chest. He feeds that little creature human eyeballs and fingers.... There are many other unintentionally funny, hilarious, and great scenes. The acting is terrible but Barbi Benton and the late Lana Clarkson are eye-candy, and although I described this movie as 'unintentionally funny', I sometimes had the impression that some of the actors were absolutely aware of how crappy the movie is. There is a fair amount of gore, and lots of female nudity to keep the viewer entertained. "Deathstalker" is an incredibly awful movie, but I still highly recommend it. People with a sense of humor will have the time of their lives!