By Your Leave
By Your Leave
NR | 09 November 1934 (USA)
By Your Leave Trailers

A bored couple facing middle-age succumbs to wandering eyes.

Cathardincu Surprisingly incoherent and boring
GazerRise Fantastic!
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
ksf-2 (Minor Spoilers) This one has both the "Wizard" and "The Wicked Witch" from the Wizard of Oz... Frank Morgan is the husband Henry who is looking for trouble on the side, and somehow gets his wife to agree to a week of separate "adventures". Margaret Hamilton is the maid to his wife Ellen (Genevieve Tobin). According to the trivia on IMDb, this only ran on Broadway for about a month before closing. I'm surprised that it shut down so fast. It has an interesting plot, some intrigue and some snappy lines; i guess it just needed some fixing up that didn't happen. It was also an interesting era in Hollywood, where the Hay's code was just starting to be enforced, so I'm actually surprised that RKO was able to make it into a film, with the less than proper storyline. The story has Henry trying to get a date, but it never seems to work out -- one brings along her husband, one changes her mind and just drives off, which was a little odd, since his friends were also in the car. Ellen, the wife, has her own adventures, and does pretty well with Neil Hamilton, who will play "Commissioner Gordon" in Batman. Also keep an eye out for "Andree"... Marian Nixon. She had started in the silents, did well in the talkies, but seems to have retired from the biz when she married big-shot director William Seiter. Frank Morgan plays his usual stuttering, stumbling character. This one turns into a madcap caper, with the usual whirlwind blow up scene at the end (kind of). It's a pretty good story. An entertaining hour and 15 minutes, with some fun actors.
utgard14 Mid-life crisis movie about a guy (Frank Morgan) who proposes the idea to his wife (Genevieve Tobin) that they take separate "no questions asked" vacations. Subject matter could have lent itself to one of those melodramatic weepers from the period but it all stays fairly light. The plot is contrived and not ever as interesting as it sounds on paper. Morgan's stammering performance wears thin pretty fast. Genevieve Tobin plays the wife and looks quite a bit younger than Morgan. They were nine years apart in real life. She was a lovely actress whose face reminds me a little of Joan Blondell. Neil Hamilton (always Commissioner Gordon to me) plays the guy Tobin becomes interested in. Worth a gander for a very young and very adorable Betty Grable. She's almost unrecognizable and had I not been tipped off by another review pointing her out, I doubt I would have realized it was her.
MartinHafer The basic idea for this film is a bit hard to believe. Frank Morgan plays a man who has become aware that he's middle-aged and no longer attractive to women other than his lovely wife. He has a yen to prove his virility--not by bedding other women but by seeing if he can at least get them interested! So, he discusses the idea of having separate vacations with his wife on the condition they be "no questions asked" trips--just like a variation on the Las Vegas motto, "what happens in New York, stays in New York". She is naturally hurt, but oddly she agrees to do this.As far as Morgan goes, he isn't very successful with women but when he later has a chance at a conquest, he runs back to his wife at top speed--realizing he does NOT want anyone but her. Unfortunately, the reluctant wife IS very successful without even trying--getting handsome and rich Neil Hamilton to propose to her after spending just two days together! How all this works out in the end is something you'll have to see for yourself. I liked this slight film despite the silly plot, as the film actually evolved into a sweet little romance. Not a great film by any means, but a bit more than just a simple time-passer.Oh, and by the way. At the beginning of the film look for a young and soon to be famous Betty Grable as a neighbor.
Neil Doyle One of the pleasures of my movie-going life is to watch FRANK MORGAN in just about anything. His well established mannerisms gave many an MGM film a lift, particularly in the '30s and '40s, but here he's doing a job for RKO under Pandro S. Berman's auspices and his lovable presence is somewhat ill served by a less than original script.But even a mild programmer like this has some compensations. MARGARET HAMILTON plays a nosy maid influenced by astrology and a platinum-haired BETTY GRABLE makes a brief appearance in one of her early starlet roles. But the story revolves around the "seven year itch" aspect of Frank Morgan's marriage and his own inability to accept the fact that he's middle-aged. GENEVIEVE TOBIN makes no particular impression as his understanding wife who reluctantly accepts the idea that they take a vacation from marriage. NEIL HAMILTON has virtually little to do as her romantic interest.It's Morgan's restless, blustery performance that carries the film, but there's not much plot to carry. Based on a play, it's a theme better handled years later in THE SEVEN YEAR ITCH.