Bundy: A Legacy of Evil
Bundy: A Legacy of Evil
R | 01 January 2008 (USA)
Bundy: A Legacy of Evil Trailers

Bundy, starring Corin Nemec in the title role and co-starring Kane Hodder, details the dark psyche and previously unexplored motivations of the man who became known as one of the most notorious serial killers to leave behind a legacy of evil.

Rijndri Load of rubbish!!
Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Casey Duggan It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Syl Corin Nemec is a talented actor and best remembered for his performance on the Fox series, "Parker Lewis Can't Lose," and playing Steven Stayner in "I Know My First Name is Steven." In this low budget thriller, he plays Ted Bundy. He has already played Richard Speck and the Boston strangler. Ted Bundy was a complex man and one of the most notorious serial killers of all time. The scene where he opens a file and closes it without mentioning what was in it about his birth father. As somebody who read Ann Rule's book, his paternity has never been explained. Ted was attractive, charming and intelligent but he couldn't overcome his inner demons. Unlike the Green River Killer, his victims were not the usual prostitutes. Bundy killed women after tricking them into his car. We never really know what he with his victims besides killing them. Nemec's performance is the only salvageable part of this forgettable film. You should watch Mark Harmon in the role.
rennie_eyre The Most PATHETIC excuse for a movie I have ever seen! This movie does not even deserve to have the score of AWFUL!!!! It was worse than awful. Most of the details in this movie are completely wrong or completely skewed. The only people that will enjoy watching this movie are people who get off on watching other people being severely beaten to death...which in my opinion means they might be someone that you would need to watch out for. The scenes where he is beating the girls in the sorority house is a little more than extreme. First off...if he had beaten them as severely as he did he would have never made it out of there. The whole movie made him out to be some dumb, raving, messy, lunatic. Don't get me wrong...there is nothing normal about his behavior but anyone who acted the way they show in this movie would have been caught in an instance. They leave out how charming he was and especially how incredibly smart he was. Ted Bundy was literally a genius and he was seriously the most likable person ever...that is why it took so incredibly long for him to get caught and for people who really knew him well to realize that he was doing all the terrible things he did. The director left out some of the most important people in the story and especially twisted the story of his family and especially of Stephanie. From the beginning of their relationship...sorry to say...but no girl would have been interested in the Bundy that was portrayed. He was downright chilling from the beginning and she never would have dated him. The director of this movie seriously needs to do research about Ted Bundy. If this was his idea of telling a story artistically then he failed miserably. The story of Ted Bundy would make a great movie that I would buy if someone would tell it accurately and not add things and not leave them out. It would show you that even the people that seem the most normal and even the most heroic people that could be good can have another side to them and that should be the warning to anyone...get to know people well and trust your instincts and not your head. Girls especially can learn from that...many of the women that were in Bundy's life did not listen to their instincts...for instance Carol Anne Boone...it took a long time for her to get with the picture. All in all...this was a terrible movie with possibly the worst, out of place, music I have ever heard in a movie. The storyline does not exist and the bits and pieces that are portrayed are mostly false or twisted to make people believe things about him that are not true. Michael Feifer...if you ever read this...it is a good idea to do research and check your facts before you attempt to make a movie as a biography of someone...especially someone as terrifying as Ted Bundy. He was a smart and very normal and likable person and that is what is the most scary part about him...it could have been anyone. Let's not try to teach people lie's about history. Teach the truth so that people can be educated about it.Whoever posted good reviews about this movie must have been asleep while watching it. It is one solid WASTE OF TIME!!!
Michael O'Keefe The name Ted Bundy does cause some interest; but I refuse to recognize him as an American icon. There have been better accounts on film dealing with this demented serial killer's exploits. Yes, he had a reign of terror from coast to coast in the 1970s; leaving over thirty dead as he preyed on young women trying to blame his deeds on an unhappy childhood and his hatred toward women in general. Corin Nemec playing Bundy is really a bad choice for the part. Sure Bundy was arrogant, but this guy is just plain sickening. There is a horrendous soundtrack trying to simulate music from the era; there is no doubt in my mind this stuff was not on American radios or jukeboxes. Most of the dastardly deeds are left to the viewer's imagination, with the only gruesome material maybe being the aftermath of an electrified Bundy smoldering in the chair. It is doubtful you could get a quarter for this DVD in a yard sale.
collioure_bee You would think with a wealth of stuff that the Bundy story gives you, that you could come up with a decent film on the subject with a different angle. The angle this one comes up with is a lack of character building, acting and coherent storyline.From the first scene of a very unconvincing murder the alarm bells should have been ringing stop watching now. Then we are treated to a "young" Bundy who is the oldest High School boy in history and the conversation with his young girlfriend is laughable, especially when she says she wants her secret to be out, the secret being she is seeing a younger man. Younger man? It was embarrassing, it looked like she was dating her teacher or worse still, her dad, and the acting like a coy High Schoolboy was cringeworthy.There is a scene in a Seattle Call Centre which should have come with a free sick bucket for the lines that followed two minutes of Bundy on the phone to a suicidal depressive, telling him to "get in your car and go for a drive, wherever you want to go...." They tried to paint him as some all American hero.To be honest, after forty minutes you are hoping the police get a tip off and change history to catch him early, followed by a quick confession and jail sentence so we can all pack up and go home. Obviously this doesn't happen so you hope for some more quick clips and a decent court case. You get neither, just a hotch potch of Bundy standing up his first girlfriend after proposing to her, revenge for how she dropped him and then a drawn out murder scene in a school dormitory.The judge uses the actual words that sentenced Bundy to death, but we didn't get the chance to see any of this great lawyer in action, just a few minutes of him glorying in his "work" as he makes the detective describe in detail the scene he met at the dormitory Bundy had killed and attacked a number of young girls in.The only time tension starts to build is at the end towards the death scene, but as the tension starts, it's over before it's got going and leaves you feeling short changed. I'm not saying a long drawn out execution is the order of the day, but some build up would be nice.There was also no explanation of the truth at the end, no write up about what happened during Bundy's time. I realise that the story is well known but there is a new generation that isn't aware of him or his history. Unfortunately they will not learn anything from this film.If you want to see a better attempt at the Bundy legacy, try the made for TV two part NBC film Deliberate Stranger.