PG | 17 June 2011 (USA)
Buck Trailers

An examination of the life of acclaimed 'horse whisperer' Buck Brannaman, who recovered from years of child abuse to become a well-known expert in the interactions between horses and people.

ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Console best movie i've ever seen.
Raymond Sierra The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
SnoopyStyle Buck Brannaman is a horse whisperer in real life. He was hired as a consultant on Robert Redford's movie 'The Horse Whisperer'. His way of horse training comes from his mentors, his foster parents, and an early childhood of abuse from his drunken father. He and his brother were a young cowboy performing duo. At home, the siblings' only defender was their loving mother. After her death, the abuse got even worst until they were rescued by neighbors. Today, he travels around the country doing horse training clinics. He brings along his daughter Reata and her best friend Nevada Watt. The first thirty minutes are interesting. It goes through his troubled childhood, the movie, and introduces his horsemanship. The next thirty minutes get a little repetitive. It adds to his story but it's not until the last thirty minutes when a real scary horse shows up. That horse adds real tension and danger. Overall, this is a compelling personal story and doing interesting work. Horse lovers will really really love this.
robbie910 Buck Brannaman is your go-to guy for horse training. He is one of very few people who can help train your horse with absolute respect for it. If you want to see how a single man can train horses of all kinds and how he became the horse whisperer, then this is the movie for you.Throughout this documentary, you get a glimpse of Buck's life and how he became the horse whisperer. His past does not define him because he completely changed his life around. This man goes across country to help so many people with any horse problem. He teaches them to respect the horse like you would respect another human. "A horse is a mirror to the owner." All of his teachings really pay off, and it only take a few days at the most before he is on the road to another teaching.Every person this man comes across all have mixed feelings about how he is able to train so many horses. After spending time and watching him do his work, they all come to love him. Every person sees how much respect he has for these horses and change their whole perspective on him and on these horses.
tafranklin Buck excellently demonstrates the empathy needed to have a positive and intimate relationship with a horse. This documentary demolishes the idea of men "breaking horses" during training using a brutal form of communication because it is seen as an untamed beast. Buck's philosophy is about engaging with a soft, comforting manner with horses. "Everything is a dance," meaning like a dance, training a horse should not be choppy but fluid, not hard but firm. Although they call him the horse whisperer, there's almost no verbal communication, but rather quiet physical exchanges, like soft pats on its mane, so it realizes that it is indeed safe and loved. By teaching this method at his clinics, Buck is certainly "helping horses with people problems" as he calls it. "Respect isn't fear. It's acceptance." Buck continues to teach that like children, horses do not learn through anger or bribery, but through their mistakes. They cannot fear making mistakes because of any possible repercussion. In other words, horses should not fear their owners but view them as equals.
leftwing83 "Buck" is glimpse into the life of the often enigmatic horse-trainer Buck Brannaman. The film explores the former child star's dark past and the horse training genius he has become. Despite the darker themes of Buck's past, the film is pretty lighthearted. Director Cindy Meehl manages to tell a fantastic story, and though the film runs a bit lengthy at 88 minutes it never fails to keep the audience entertained as Meehl paints a near-masterful picture of a man and his troubled past. Buck's no nonsense attitude shines through and he truly steals the show (though I guess it is his show). The only gripe I have is that I didn't get to see more of Buck; an hour and a half left me wanting to learn more about Buck. I guess that's a product of a job well done.