The Future of Food
The Future of Food
| 30 May 2004 (USA)
The Future of Food Trailers

Before compiling your next grocery list, you might want to watch filmmaker Deborah Koons Garcia's eye-opening documentary, which sheds light on a shadowy relationship between agriculture, big business and government. By examining the effects of biotechnology on the nation's smallest farmers, the film reveals the unappetizing truth about genetically modified foods: You could unknowingly be serving them for dinner.

SunnyHello Nice effects though.
Lucybespro It is a performances centric movie
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Verity Robins Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.
reneealarie This documentary is a terrifying eye opener that every American should watch. The future of our food truly depends on the educating of American citizens. Our food is being tampered with in an unnatural way and the long term ramifications are unknown. We deserve to know what is in our food and it is our job to DEMAND it! This film opens your eyes to the risks of GMO's in our food, the corruption that is our food industry, the injustices small farmers face at the hands of corporations, and the danger of tampering with mother nature. If we don't fight for the complete elimination of GMO foods we may wipe out any indigenous agriculture we have left. Please watch this and any other informative documentaries on food. Tell your friends and loved ones. Sign every petition you can, and contact your local legislature to share your voice!
SnakesOnAnAfricanPlain An excellent companion piece to the widely recognised Food, Inc. The Future of Food focuses more on the scientific breakthroughs of the last 20 years. It shows how the genetically modified seeds have crossed with those that are harvested by farmers that wish to have no part in this corporate game. These farmers are not to be sued for having patented crops they never wanted in the first place. It's a rich and complex issue, as the dream of cheap and healthy food for all has evolved into a sickening game of chase the cash. Yet another damning of the capitalist nature of America, it preaches for a more simplified world or organic farming. Heavy on the science and low on the sentiment, this is an educational documentary that opens the eyes.
bandarmae This documentary is an essential crash-course on GMOs. It's an honest, accurate exploration of how GMOs are threatening the world's healthy food supply. You also learn everything you need to know about Monsanto's plot to control all our food and witness the death-squeeze the company is putting on American farmers--especially farmers who are remarkably courageous to stand up to this cold-blooded corporation. What Monsanto is doing to farmers is just criminal. Boycott Monsanto products.Deborah Koons Garcia, the widow of Grateful Dead's Jerry Garcia, directed this film. You can even view it for free at .
SimulationX ... and I mean EVERYONE... but most importantly by all Americans. Save the money from your next gorefest and buy a DVD of this movie and give it to a friend... ... for its a movie that deals with the most basic of human necessities... our need for food...This film deal with the changes to the way farming is done (primarily in the United States) and how along with the methods, how farm produce has also changed. It tells about the effects this change has on people all around the world...This documentary isn't all about the doom hanging over the United States, although as I sat there watching it I couldn't help but feel that Americans are dooming themselves... not because of greed or the intent to harm... but merely because of the absence of information... ... and information is what this film gives... make a truly informed decision, one that will help you, your family and your community