| 10 July 2007 (USA)
Brutal Trailers

In a small town, a serial killer mutilates the bodies of his victims and leaves a flower on the corpses. The sheriff and his wife/deputy investigate the murders while trying to keep from alarming the citizens. They team up with an autistic hound dog trainer to try to track the killer.

Steineded How sad is this?
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Nessieldwi Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.
Bergorks If you like to be scared, if you like to laugh, and if you like to learn a thing or two at the movies, this absolutely cannot be missed.
ablebravo Just finished watching the (TV edited) version of this so-so film on Chiller. I must admit, I'd never even heard of it before I saw it on the listings this morning. It was, after all a direct-to-video release - which might be why many of the reviews here in IMDb were less than complimentary. Really, though: it wasn't THAT bad. I had a little trouble accepting Jeff Combs as a sheriff. He looked...odd with a mustache and a cowboy hat but that's just me, I guess. He did an acceptable job in the role'.I didn't like the exposing of the bad guy pretty much at the very beginning of the film. That was kind of stupid for the writer/director to do that. I think it would have been a little better had we the viewers been given the chance to puzzle out his identity while the characters were.Although the acting certainly wasn't Oscar-winning by any means, I've sure seen worse than what was in this little piece of work.All in all, it was OK. Not rotten, not "HOLY S**T!! this was great!" An acceptable diversion - but I don't think I'd watch it again...well, maybe if someone handed me the uncut DVD even though I suspect the only difference would be some T&A which wasn't strictly necessary to the story line.
AnimaMundi This movie was terrible. I couldn't even get myself to watch it to the end so if anyone wants to discredit my comment for that reason go ahead. I rarely, even when it's bad, actually turn a movie off.The scenes the actors and the settings along with the props and lights all made you associate it to porn - low budget porn.In a small town, small enough to only have two policemen, what are the chances of 2 women wearing mini-skirts and offer you sexual services spontaneously as well as one lesbian couple making out in a pub and offer an uptight biology teacher a "free show"? The scene build-up to the killings where all with the build up to sex in a classical porn manner - but instead of sex you get people being brutally murdered or hacked to bits with a chainsaw.I like horror, I don't mind slasher movies, I don't mind brutal content but this movie wasn't even bad in a funny way this movie is nothing but porn for serial killers. The plot is bad, acting is bad, lines are bad and poorly delivered the build ups are silly and unrealistic to lead up to the climax - murder.
lorieshow This movie is promoted on the DVD cover as "Hostel Meets The Silence of The Lambs"....all I can say is.... that is a stretch of proportionate means, however, it holds your interest due to its campiness. It would've been better had the movies taglines matched its content. The female deputy detects clues that a elementary school kid could've figured out.Alfred Hitchcock once said a viewer must develop empathy with the characters to care about what happens to them. When watching this movie, you know who's next and you really don't care.But, while the movie leaves a lot to be desired, I think the makers must've realized, one hopes, the lemon that they were handed and attempted to turn it into lemonade, but without the sugar. Think campy when/if you watch and its like watching Fargo over and over again. At first you're horrified, then all you can do is laugh. Don't expect it to be clever and you won't be so disappointed.
wal_mar_2000 OK so I have seen 'B' before, well I would class this as an 'F' movie. I have never seen a movie this bad, it was like a school kids first try at a film project. The acting was nasty, I cant even tell you how bad the camera work was... If you have nothing else to watch, and this is at the video store, well... Go home and have a nap, you dreams will be better quality. I rated it a 1, there was no 0!!! Basical it an attempt at a thriller mystery, but I have never see a movie that lets you know who the killer is throughout the whole move. I gory scenes a poorly done, you could do a better job at home with a bottle of Hinze and a plastic knife. I honesty wonder how movies like this actually make it to DVD.