Bruce Lee: The Lost Interview
Bruce Lee: The Lost Interview
| 02 November 1994 (USA)
Bruce Lee: The Lost Interview Trailers

A priceless gem from the fine folks at The Internet Archive: Bruce Lee’s only existing television interview, from 1971. Martial arts expert Bruce Lee became world-renowned for his performances in such Kung-fu classics as ENTER THE DRAGON. Now his only interview in English is available. Just after the release of his first film THE BIG BOSS, he spoke in Hong Kong with Canada's premier journalist Pierre Berton. This is the closest one can get to this extraordinary master.

Dorathen Better Late Then Never
Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
dark_lord_919 In this interview, Lee talks about various topics such as racism, martial arts, languages, his philosophy and his expectations about the future. Overally, I think it is a rather splendid interview conducted by Pierre Berton, a Canadian journalist. But, it do have several cons as other interviews out there. Although I give it 10 stars, it's just because of the man himself, Bruce Lee and not the film star-martial artist Bruce Lee talking. The cons I have about this film is that: 1) It is too short, 30 minutes is not enough to understand his views and opinions. For me, it should have lasted at least an hour.2) Pierre Berton does not give ample time for Lee to finish expressing his view on certain opinions which can be annoying sometimes e.g when Bruce is talking about his view on martial art being an art that honestly express a human body, Pierre just acknowledge that immediately and quickly switched to another topic without waiting for Bruce to finish speaking. I realize that 30 minutes is insufficient for the long answers but shouldn't he wait for Bruce to finish expressing his view first? 3) The occasional repetition of some topics. Pierre keeps asking the same question e.g when he is asking about the fact that Lee is hired because he is the only one that can pronounce the name Britt Reid correctly among the Chinese community?. After Lee acknowledges that and said it is just a joke, Pierre laughs and continues asking the same question again twice.In conclusion, it is definitely an eye-opener to the real personality of Bruce Lee but it is just too short. Just as I was warming up, it just ends there and you sit there thinking it's finished??
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