Broken Sky
Broken Sky
| 14 February 2006 (USA)
Broken Sky Trailers

Gerardo is deeply in love with longtime lover Jonas. When Jonas falls for a stranger he met at a local nightclub, heartbroken Gerardo soon seeks solace in the arms of Sergio. Despite other interests, Gerardo and Jonas can't bring themselves to end it.

WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
BroadcastChic Excellent, a Must See
ChicRawIdol A brilliant film that helped define a genre
SparkMore n my opinion it was a great movie with some interesting elements, even though having some plot holes and the ending probably was just too messy and crammed together, but still fun to watch and not your casual movie that is similar to all other ones.
donwc1996 This film achieves a new low in utter contemptible failure it is so awful. The only reason I sat through the first 45 minutes or so is because I was with my bud who will watch anything. And I mean anything. He says he has better taste buds than I do. Yeah right. I really tried to get into this film, I really did. But I actually hated everything about it - everything. It actually got to be a game with me - just how bad could this film be? Then, finally, I realized it was not going to redeem itself in any way, that it just was going to be a stinker to the last scene and I was in no mood for a stinker - I just do not have the time for stinkers and this film stinks to high heaven.
PeachHamBeach This Mexican film is very slow, and that will put off even some fans of gay cinema. It is a different film in many ways, so it is refreshing, but its slow pace and long sequences of quiet may put some viewers to sleep.That aside, this film takes those stereotyped notions of gay sex being "raw, primal, rough and unemotional" and tosses them out the window. This is one of perhaps 4 films containing gay sex that is certainly graphic, but also very erotic. For me, erotic is sexually explicit AND emotional. Sex without emotion is not erotic.For what the film lacks in dialogue, it makes up for in nonverbal communication between the 2 main characters and the third character in the "love-triangle." The endless pleas for touch, embrace and kiss are very powerful, and the pain and confusion and longing when a lover is rejected by the other who has suddenly lost interest are very communicative to the viewer who has been sucked into the story.It won't appeal to everyone, but it is different and refreshing.
Al Olmstead This is gay soft porn film. At least 90% of it is sex between the same two guys. As for dialog--what's dialog? As for story? It's so boring that I don't know what the story is, or even IF there is a story, nor do I care. Big Time Loser! (Oh yes, there are English subtitles for the script that doesn't exist.)I've just been notified that the essential qualification for a movie review is ten lines of text. The guys who run IMDb reviews must be the same guys who wrote the script for this movie and are trying to make up for lost lost opportunity.How many lines of text does it take to warn people not to waste their time and money?
janarrah1 I saw it last night and loved it! Some of the cinematic techniques were overused and at times it seemed the breakup was a bit drawn out....but having gone through a similar situation, I know can understand how hard it is to give up hope for a reconciliation with someone you really love~! The actors are just beautiful and the facial expressions of the three leads seemed right on the mark to me. I wish there was a bit more dialog between the guys but the long silences gave the viewer time to think and come to their own conclusions. I also liked the use of the mother who just wanted her son to be happy. Does anyone know if these families were considered middle-class in Mexico? The tee-shirts they wore seemed to indicate that each had done a bit of traveling...or maybe they were just gifts? Now, who knows about the DVD release in the US? Please email me if you have any info or access!