Brigade Miscellaneous on Alert
Brigade Miscellaneous on Alert
| 26 July 1971 (USA)
Brigade Miscellaneous on Alert Trailers

The adventures of three Romanian inept petty criminals during the 1970s.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Mabel Munoz Just intense enough to provide a much-needed diversion, just lightweight enough to make you forget about it soon after it’s over. It’s not exactly “good,” per se, but it does what it sets out to do in terms of putting us on edge, which makes it … successful?
Mihai Toma After their release from prison following the events from the first part, the three try to search for some legit jobs this time, but as the local authorities aren't able to "do their talent justice", they meet a weird guy who promises them everything they wanted, in exchange for a couple of apparently innocent tasks. As you would expect, they once again get involved in organized crime, leaving them clueless to what the future might have in store. As I can say for the first part, a very good plot and some brilliant actors form a recipe for success. Simply great!
Co. B. Ra. The B.D. series, (Brigada Diverse = Police Miscellaneous Brigade), was among last great comedy made in the last years of "opening" years of communism. It's a funny story about 3 funny delinquent which every time start by trying to be "just legally" but finishing in the same place: prison. It's a comedy of happenings, a burlesque or a simply movie but where you can see few of the greatest comic actors of the modern Romanian cinematography.Even the screenplay looks today obsolescent, anachronical B.D. series it's always a pleasure to see even for the past away great actors Toma Caragiu, Puiu Calinescu, Dem Radulescu and a lot more.B.D. în alerta (1970) B.D. intra în actiune (1970) B.D. la munte si la mare (1971)
Chitan Adrian (spoon_qb) The movie is about the Miscellanious Brigade of the Bucharest Police and their extraordinary cases that they end up solving. All their cases start like a real misc. case (a dog was stolen, someone didn't pay after spending a week at a Moldavian monastery, and so on and so on...)but they end up solving a real complicated case (smugling drugs in the country, stealing expensive masterpieces and selling them abroad, etc.). And all this is done in a very comic atmosphere, using the best actors Romania ever had. The trio Dem Radulescu (decesed), Puiu Calinescu (decesed) and Jean Constantin (alive) makes you laugh with tears in your eyes, because of the situations they get mixed up in :))). Toma Caragiu (decesed) plays a very serious role, but that's what makes the movie more fun. These four along with the other actors build up the best Romanian trilogy comedy of all times. Yes it's a trilogy. Every episode has 2 parts. Episode I: At the MegaStore and The Mimic Professor; Episode II: Janne Doe and Short-Term Widows; Episode III: Drugs for Grandma and The Wonder Icon.The action takes place in Bucharest (first two episodes) and on the sea side and in the mountains (the last episode).That's about all I can say about this movie because the best way to rate a movie is to watch it. It's a Romanian-humor movie so if any of you foreign movie lovers puts his/her hand on this movie, please have a good subtitle or learn Romanian (it's worth it).Sorry about my spelling but I know better how to speak English than to write it.