Better Late Then Never
Lachlan Coulson
This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
Scotty Burke
It is interesting even when nothing much happens, which is for most of its 3-hour running time. Read full review
Close shines in drama with strong language, adult themes.
Harriet Deltubbo
Heartfelt and riveting from the first frame to the last. It reminds me of some of those sombre Canadian films that were popular back in the 1970s. This is a great film with a tone reminiscent of other great docs. In the bundle of all that it lacks, I feel that the movie is ignored for its creativity. Still, I thought this was cute and not bad at all. Quality work that draws you in and doesn't let you go. I suggest this movie to everyone. This is actually a serious movie with a serious message. I like it enough, but I don't think it's great or all that really good. I was deeply impressed, but from an artistic standpoint.
My Two Lips
The hour-long documentary Breasts directed by Meema Spadola (who also made a film called Private Dicks: Men Exposed) is a great resource for open dialogue about female bodies, specifically, breasts. Composed of a range of viewpoints--large and small, young and old--the film allows the women to talk about how they feel about their upper bodies and how breasts affect their interactions with the world. Although I am not sure I learned much from watching the film, it was refreshing to hear other opinions on breasts.I watched the movie with a male friend of mine who I assumed wouldn't enjoy the film much, but afterward we talked a little bit about his experiences. The film was a good jumping off point for the two of us to discuss other body issues that women have and initiated a few questions about breasts and how women might feel about them. He thought, though, there could have been a larger diversity of breasts and viewpoints and that by limiting the film to 22 voices, many of whom are only shown in specific segments, there were a lot of perspectives excluded.I thought the film attempted to show women from various walks of life, but it is true that many of my own feelings about breasts were not echoed in what the women on-screen were saying. I did particularly enjoy the mother-daughter pairs who appeared together and discussed not only their own bodies but their feelings about each other's bodies. I think these scenes revealed a lot about how women feel about the bodies of those around them. I also particularly enjoyed the historic clips that were interspersed throughout the interviews because they did a lot to show different ways in which breasts have been depicted over time as well as kept the tone of the film lively.One issue I did have is that the film raised the question of the power of breasts, something my male friend immediately picked up on and was joking about, without doing much to provide an answer. None of the women really were able to describe the power of having breasts in a clear manner. Instead, it came off as a vague and questionable notion. I would have liked to have seen a few more academic and scientific voices in the mix that could have possibly explained things like biological reasons for the power of breasts and sociological and psychological points of interest. However, as a film that provides a frank glance at what some women think about their breasts, I thought this film was worth seeing. Only an hour long, it easily held my attention and I was disappointed when it was over.Even though many women assume that they are the target audience, I think this film is particularly appropriate for men. It allows them an opportunity to see women's bodies through the eyes of the women they belong to and to understand a little about what breasts mean to those of us who have them. I also thought the film would be an excellent resource for women with questions about body image who might need some reassurance that the way they feel about their breasts is completely normal.
Gordon Vincent
This is a wonderful look, you should pardon the pun, at 22 women talking about breasts-- theirs, their mothers', other women's, and how they affect so many aspects of their lives. Young girls, old women, and everyone in between (with all shapes, sizes, configurations, etc) talk about developing, reacting, celebrating, hiding, enhancing, or reducing their breasts.It's charming, delightful, sad, funny, and everything in between. Intercut with documentary footage and clips from those famous old "young women's films" that the girls got taken to the cafeteria to see, the interviews are a fascinating window for men who love women & their breasts into what the other half has to say when they don't know you're listening.
Chris Barry
This is a great documentary about women and their relationships with their breasts. It was shown on TVO here in Canada quite a bit but I don't know how widely it was distributed. I think Mpix some cable channel in the States screened it a couple of times.It's really interesting to watch women's reactions to their own breasts. Virtually none of them, with the notable exception of one fabulous modern dancer, are really comfortable with having them and they have a hard time figuring out why men love boobs so much. As a man, I have to say, the mysteries of nature are quite perplexing and obviously not resolved in this 50 minute doc, but if there's one thing I have to say about this program it really gave me insight into women's feelings about their bodies. I recommend everyone watch this wonderful doc.