Breaking Up Is Hard to Do
Breaking Up Is Hard to Do
| 01 January 2010 (USA)
Breaking Up Is Hard to Do Trailers

Vince and Shonda have come to the proverbial end of their ropes with one another. Set in Atlanta during the 2008 Presidential Election season, Breaking Up Is Hard To Do is the touching story of what happens when two people feel they have nothing more to give to a relationship. A funny and intimate look at how people fall in love and what it takes to stay there, Breaking Up Is Hard To Do touches on the reality of the outside forces that can make or break a relationship. They say the truth will set you free, but when Shonda and Vince are armed with the truth, will they use it to set themselves free for once and for all?

Tedfoldol everything you have heard about this movie is true.
Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
Rio Hayward All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Kinley This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
AJ WOODSON (cnvrskdajw) Obviously done on a moderate budget, this film focuses on the Characters, the Relationships between them and the Story. If you are not looking for a lot of fluff and want to enjoy an intelligent, well written and acted piece, on what tears a relationship apart (and the communication needed to bring it back together) THIS IS YOUR MOVIE!Keep in mind, there is humor and fun, but overall...this Movie is made by Adults for Adults. In other words, if you've been in an Adult Relationship for any real length of time, you'll appreciate the care taken to explore real conversations and turmoil that develop between Couples (and their Friends and Family). More importantly you may see yourself (and possibly a few of your own Family Members) in some of the Characters and Situations as well.Surprisingly Good, Deep, Touching, Fun, Insightful and Entertaining...I highly recommend it!
keshabrown1 I gave it two stars because I like Demetria.I hated Demetria character all she did was curse almost every word that came out of her mouth were a curse word . This was a boring low budget "movie" that was a waste of time to watch.I did not watch all of this movie I went to bed .But I did not turn off the DVD player and those awful lines was embed in my head while i slept the next morning I took that DVD out of my player and threw it in the garbage . I don't dislike low budget films if they are interesting then I will like and recommend the films to someone else. This "movie" I cannot it is not good enough to tell someone else to purchase or rent for that matter. If anyone know of a good low budget movie please let me know and i will check it out .
alympik I saw this film at this years Newark Black Film Festival, where it won the festival's highest honor, the Best Long Narrative.It is a romantic drama/comedy with plenty of both. Demetria McKinney, who plays Shonda, was absolutely fantastic in the role! Her emotional range is amazing. The story revolves around Shonda & Vince, a couple going through relationship issues and decide to go to counseling to see if they can save the relationship. In the middle of all this is Quincy, Shonda's son.A wonderful film that makes you laugh (hysterically), cry, angry, sad and an entire spectrum of emotions the way films used to in the "golden era." GREAT WORK! Kei Ritter Klientele Management/ Alympik Entertainment