Brave New Girl
Brave New Girl
| 25 April 2004 (USA)
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Holly has everything it takes to be a star; the voice, the dream and the dedication, but she lacks the means to break away from her humble Texas upbringing. Then she gets the chance to attend an art and music school on the East coast and her future suddenly looks bright. But the road to stardom is a bumpy one.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Linbeymusol Wonderful character development!
Diagonaldi Very well executed
MoPoshy Absolutely brilliant
SnoopyStyle Holly Lovell (Lindsey Haun) lives in a small Texas town with her mother Wanda (Virginia Madsen). Her father is long absent. She is desperate to go to the Haverty music school in Philadelphia. Her mother secretly films her singing for the school application. Her boyfriend Tyler (Aaron Ashmore) proposes but she holds off. She is surprised by the school's midterm acceptance. Unbeknownst to her, the family home has been foreclosed. Ditz is her new rich troubled roommate friend. Her competition Angela pines for Grant who takes a liking to Holly. She struggles with the unfamiliar classical music. With the car breaking down, Wanda takes a nearby waitress job working for Dee (Jayne Eastwood). She keeps all of it a secret while staying with her embarrassed daughter Holly.This is loosely based on a book written by Britney Spears and her mother which is loosely based on her life. Any resemblance to reality is strictly an accident. They do get producer credit and a lot of references in the movie. The story is basically not terrible. Haun and Madsen are perfectly good actresses. Holly is a little self-obsessed and petty. Her enemies are cartoonish but that's alright. She has a few too many supporters which detracts from her underdog status. I also would get rid of her hometown boyfriend whom she leaves behind way too easily. There are a few too many miscalculations from the standard formula. This should be easily likable but it doesn't completely work.
akiyhrah It was a decent movie, I actually kind of enjoyed it. But the ending is so abrupt!! There is absolutely no closure and it leaves tons of loose ends. What happens after the concert? What happens with her boyfriend? Does she hook up with Grant? Does she come beck in the next semester? And what about Angela? Obviously Holly's performance would knock Angela down a few pegs, but nothing is shown to indicate how she reacts. There is so much left up in the air and it's very unsatisfying. I don't know if it is trying to leave room for a sequel or something, but it is a terrible ending and I think that it really makes the movie a joke. I was very disappointed.
bratof92 I really enjoyed this movie. Britney is an excellent role model for teens and should be more appreciated. This movie is about following your dreams and never giving up no matter what people might do or say to discourage and criticize you. Holly fulfills her dreams just like Britney. There are times in everyones' lives when people judge them for what they are not who they are. Watching this movie will make you understand that you are special in your own way and that you should follow your dreams no matter what happens. I would like to thank Britney for encouraging me and my friends to follow our dreams. She will never know how much that means to me. Bravo Britney. You are the greatest!!!
pizzawarrior1956 Regarding the movie "BRAVE NEW GIRL", though it has its faults, it was still an ENJOYABLE MOVIE.I was especially impressed with the fact that VIRGINIA MADSEN was part of the cast, and that she turned in such a winning performance as WANDA LOVELL.While the spotlight will certainly be on her co-star, LINDSAY HAUN, it is still wonderful to see Virginia in a good role that she will be very proud of.Knowing her responsibilities,it is unfortunate that she is not seen more often, and still being young and VERY ATTRACTIVE, one can only hope that she will continue to pick such likable roles in the future.Perhaps Virginia will, unlike her piers, go gracefully into middle-age playing such roles, unlike THE STEREOTYPICAL BITCHY ROLES that would otherwise await her, and which she had already played earlier in her career.Of course, this was a Brittany Spears production, so this was really a showcase for her work, and while there are indeed some good production values here, you really have to be one of brittany's fans to properly appreciate this movie.As a fan of Virginia Madsen, I wish her continued success, and my very best.