Born Wild
Born Wild
| 03 March 1995 (USA)
Born Wild Trailers

A young documentary filmmaker working for a struggling television station travels to South Africa for work.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Kaya Ozkaracalar John Varty, a British wildlife conservationist living in Africa, co-produced, co-wrote and acted himself in this independent production of a conservation yarn shot in Africa and co-starring Brooke Shields. This was made in 1994, that is a few years before Shields' career would bounce back with TV stardom in the Suddenly Susan series and hence at a time when she was a largely forgotten ex-star. The movie is watchable if approached with low expectations. The basic premise of the story is very promising (a young female filmmaker making a documentary about a conservationist raising two orphaned leopard cubs) and yet it has been scripted in a very incompetent manner, with lame dialog, not-fleshed out plot developments, etc. The acting is also high school performance level, unfortunately especially in Shields' case, but you may never know if it is because of the incompetent script or of any inherent incompetence of Shields. Yet, real wildlife scenes with the cubs are outstanding and make the movie worth a view.Is Shields attractive in this movie? There is no intentional glamorization of her appearance here and I don't really like her bleached hair color at all. Yet, it is Brooke Shields in her late late 20s after all and you know what I mean. Plus, it is a nice bonus to see her intermingling with leopard cubs. By the way, Shields was no stranger to Africa, having ventured to a safari in Kenya for the TV series Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous in 1984.
ccthemovieman-1 This wasn't much of a story and Martin Sheen did probably the worst job of acting I've ever seen him do, but it doesn't really matter because the essence of the movie is the wildlife photography.John Varty, a British conservationist living in Africa, plays himself in this story of him raising two baby leopards and finding a home for them. Brooke Shields is an American writer looking to write about a story about it. She's just in the movie to show her pretty face and say, "Aww, aren't they cute?" That's about all she does, which gets a little annoying after awhile.Some of the photography is spectacular, with beautiful scenery and a disturbing scene or two (i.e. a crocodile trying to eat a water buffalo.) The language is very mild, with only three swear words, probably put in to get a "PG" rating.
SanDiego Excellent animal adventure film in the tradition of Born Free and Living Free about an African conservationist who lives in a tree house and follows a family of Leopards for 12 years, and a Los Angeles filmographer who seeks to make his story known.
i_ate_your_tots The only reason I turned this movie on is because I am a Brooke Shields fan. And I like Martin Sheen as well. The plot didn't appeal to me at first. But after watching this movie for a few minutes, I fell in love. With these two ADORABLE cheeta cubs! The movie is loosely based on a true story about a woman who pulled in by a man's story of his 12 year devotion to a cheeta and her life. Now this mother cheeta has cubs that need taking care of. Brooke's character wants to make a movie about this man's story. Anyways, it's real cute, and if you get the chance, take a look. I am sure you'll like it, and if not, you'll be at least saying "AWWWW!!!" a lot!!